Brown-Eyed Girl (Travis Family #4)(22)
Sofia let out a little yelp of excitement.
The atmosphere in the studio seemed instantly diluted – my lungs had to work harder to obtain the necessary amount of oxygen. I strove to sound calm. “Did she mention a plus-one? Because I’d like for Sofia to come with me.”
“There was no mention of that,” Val said. “If you’d like me to call and ask —”
“No, don’t,” Sofia said instantly. “Let’s not be pushy. Hollis may have a reason for inviting just you.”
“She probably does,” Steven said. “But that’s irrelevant.”
“Why?” Sofia, Val, and I all asked at the same time.
“Because the Warners are out of our league. If the wedding is scaled bigger than Amspacher-Kendrick, which Hollis told you it would be, we haven’t developed our vendors and suppliers list enough to handle it. The big event planners in Houston and Dallas have the best professionals and venues all sewn up with exclusive contracts. We’re still relatively new on the scene.”
“Working for Hollis would put us on the fast track,” I pointed out.
“It’s a bargain with the devil. She’ll expect you to cut our percentage to the bone in return for the prestige of having her as a client. This won’t help the business, Avery. It’s more than we can handle right now. We need to keep growing by focusing on smaller projects.”
“I’m not going to let anyone take advantage of us,” I said. “But I’m definitely going to the party. No matter what happens, it’s an opportunity to make some great contacts.”
He looked sardonic. “What are you planning to wear to this black-tie event?”
“My formal gown, of course.”
“The black one you wore to the hospital fund-raiser? The one with the big shoulder pouf? No, you’re not going to the Warner mansion in that.” Steven stood and began to hunt for his keys and wallet.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m taking you to Neiman’s. We have to find something decent off-the-rack and get it altered by Friday.”
“I’m not spending money on a new dress when I’ve already got a perfectly good one,” I protested.
“Look, if you want to dress like a parade float on your own time, it’s your business. But when you’re networking and trying to land a high-profile client, it becomes my business. Your appearance reflects on the studio. And your personal taste is a tragic misuse of some fine genetic endowments.”
I directed my outraged gaze from him to Sofia and Val, silently commanding them to back me up. To my disgust, Sofia had suddenly become preoccupied with checking her text messages, and Val was intently straightening the piles of magazines on the coffee table.
“Okay,” I muttered, “I’ll get a new dress.”
“And a new hairstyle. Because that one does you no favors.”
“I think he’s right,” Sofia ventured before I could reply. “You wear it in an updo all the time.”
“Every time I get my hair cut, it ends up looking like a Darth Vader helmet.”
Ignoring my protests, Steven spoke to Sofia. “Call Salon One and ask them to squeeze in an appointment for Avery. If they give you any problems, remind them that they owe us a favor after we found a last-minute caterer for the owner’s wedding. Also call Avery’s optometrist for a contact lens fitting.”
“No way,” I said. “No contacts. I have a problem with touching my eyeballs.”
“That’s the least of your problems.” Steven found his keys. “Come on.”
“Wait,” Sofia exclaimed, pulling something from a drawer. She hurried to hand it to Steven. “In case you need a backup,” she said.
“Is that the studio credit card?” I asked indignantly. “That’s only supposed to be used in case of emergency.”
Steven gave me an assessing glance. “This qualifies.”
As I picked up my bag and Steven ushered me to the front door, Sofia called out after us, “Don’t let him in the dressing room, Avery. Remember, he’s not gay.”
I hated trying on clothes, hated it, hated it.
More than anything, I despised the department store dressing room. The three-way mirror that magnified every little indulgence and unwanted pound. The fluorescent lighting that gave me the complexion of a bridge troll. The way the salesgirl trilled, “How’s everything working out for you?” right at the moment I was tangled up in a garment that had turned into a straitjacket.
When trying on clothes was unavoidable, a dressing room at Neiman Marcus ranked above all others. From my perspective, however, deciding on a favorite department store dressing room was about as appealing as choosing my favorite way to be executed.
The Neiman Marcus dressing room was spacious and beautifully decorated, with lit columns on either side of the full-length mirrors and dimmable ceiling lights.
“Stop,” Steven said, carrying in a half-dozen gowns he had pulled from the racks as we walked through the premier designer apparel.
“Stop what?” I hung up the two black dresses I had picked out in defiance of Steven’s objections.
“Stop looking like one of those caged puppies on the SPCA commercials.”
“I can’t help it. That mirror with the pedestal in front of it makes me feel threatened and depressed, and I haven’t even tried anything on yet.”
Lisa Kleypas's Books
- Devil's Daughter (The Ravenels #5)
- Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4)
- Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4)
- Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4)
- Devil in Spring (The Ravenels #3)
- Lisa Kleypas
- Where Dreams Begin
- A Wallflower Christmas (Wallflowers #5)
- Scandal in Spring (Wallflowers #4)
- Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3)