Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1)(99)

"The day you were born, it was like seeing your dad al over again. You are so much like him."

I know, Kylie thought, and gave her mom's hand a squeeze. Then she looked up at Daniel Brighten.

"I know, if he'd lived, he would have loved you so much."

Kylie closed her eyes and then the words popped out. "I think he does love me. I think he loves you, too."

Her mom did it then. She wrapped her arms around Kylie and hugged her. It wasn't quick, and not even awkward. It was just right. They stayed there by the creek for another couple of hours. Talking about everything. She told Kylie about the whirlwind love affair she'd had with Daniel. They even talked about Nana.

"You know," her mom said. "The day of the funeral. It took everything I had not to find me a tissue and remove that God-awful purple lipstick they put on her."

Kylie laughed. "I'l bet Nana would have appreciated it." And right then Kylie felt another breeze whisk by. It was cold, but it wasn't the same cold as Daniel's. Kylie smiled and knew Nana's spirit was close.

"Nana was special," Kylie said.

A while later, they started back through the woods. Their shoulders brushed up against each other as they walked. Her mom reached over and squeezed Kylie's hand. "Your dad," her mom said. "The man who raised you ... he loves you. I know you're mad at him."

"I have a right to be mad," Kylie said.

"I know," her mom answered. "I'm mad at him, too." She hesitated. "No, I'm furious. But I don't think he could have loved you more if you were his own. This is just ... a midlife crisis." She stopped walking. "Or maybe the truth is something I don't even want to admit."

"What?" Kylie asked.

"He loved me, Kylie. In the beginning, he loved me so much. And I ... never loved him like I loved Daniel. I never told him, but he knew it. And in time, I ... God help me, but I resented the promise he asked me to make. Every time I looked at you, I saw your real father and I felt as if I was lying to you. Lying to myself. The marriage suffered. Our relationship suffered." Her mom waved a hand between them. "It was easy to blame him, but honestly, I'm just as much at fault. I didn't have to make that promise."

Her mom reached over and brushed Kylie's hair back. "He was a good father. For years, most of those sixteen years, he was a good husband. He deserved a woman who loved him as much as he loved her. He never had that. How unfair was that to him? Maybe after al that time, he just couldn't handle it anymore."

Kylie knew her mom had made valid points. Things she should consider when she reevaluated her relationship with her dad. "He could have just asked for a divorce. He didn't have to start cheating with someone practical y my age."

"I'm not saying he's right. Or that he's perfect. But he loves you, baby. He loved you even when he didn't have to."

Before her mom left, she made Kylie promise to cal her dad again soon. It was a promise Kylie intended to keep, but not today. Probably not even tomorrow.

* * *

"Why does romance have to be so complicated?" Kylie blurted out as she barged into Holiday's office later that night. Kylie had been in her room since her mom left, thinking about her dad and mom and Daniel and comparing al that to what she felt for Lucas and Derek. It wasn't the same thing, but in some smal way, it almost felt like it was.

Holiday looked up from the paper on her desk. If the woman's expression was any indication, she was in about the same mood as Kylie. Confused and hurting. No doubt, Holiday and Burnett had butted heads again.

"Good question," Holiday answered. "I personal y think the gods did it just to piss us off."

Kylie dropped down in the chair across from her desk.

Leaning back in her chair, Holiday studied her. "You've been quiet al day. Did the visit with your mom go okay?"

Kylie decided to spil the beans. "Daniel Brighten, the ghost, is my real father."

Holiday nodded. Not the reaction Kylie expected.

Kylie felt her gut tighten. "If you tel me you knew this al along, I'm gonna be so pissed."

"I didn't know." Holiday held up her hand. "I suspected. There's a difference."

"You should have told me."

"It doesn't work like that."

"Wel , I don't like how it works," Kylie barked.

Holiday let go of a sigh. "Sometimes I don't, either."

They got quiet. Music from the dining hal wafted into the room. A party was going on. A celebration of sorts for not having to close down the camp and for the decision to make the camp a boarding school. For many of the campers, it would be a lifesaver.

"Everything else okay?" Holiday asked.

"Yes." Then Kylie felt that if she didn't get it al out she would burst. "No, it's not okay. I like two guys. One left so that should make it easy, right?

Especial y since the one who left is probably off having kinky sex with his she-wolf. But no, I've got my mom, my dad, and Daniel's story in my head tel ing me how it's not fair to care for someone if you care for someone else." She stopped talking just so she could breathe.

"I'm sure that not's easy," Holiday said.

"Oh, I'm not finished yet. It gets better, because this guy, the one I like, has the power to toy with my emotions. And when I'm with him, I feel as if it's too good to be true. That makes me wonder if maybe what I'm feeling is real. Maybe he's just using his power to make me think I real y like him."

C.C. Hunter's Books