Blossom Street Brides (Blossom Street #10)(58)

“This is different than with you and me.”

“Oh?” she teased. “And how’s that?”

Max seemed to need a few moments to form a reply. “Okay, you win, it’s the same for him as it was for us. Have you talked to Lauren lately?”

“Not since last week at the yarn store, but from what she said, she’s missing Rooster, too. She’s leaving with her boss for Las Vegas soon.”

“Business or pleasure?”

“A little of both, from what she said. Same as Rooster.”

“It isn’t like Rooster and Lauren aren’t talking. From what I understand, despite the time difference, they’re spending copious amounts of time on the phone with each other. It’s a wonder he’s getting any business accomplished whatsoever.”

Bethanne was sympathetic toward Max’s friend. “One would think you of all people would be a tad more understanding.”

“Okay, you’re right. I should be, shouldn’t I, seeing that it wasn’t so long ago that I fell head over heels in love with you?”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Definitely very glad, seeing that her own feelings for her husband had intensified tenfold.

“I’m quite enjoying seeing Rooster in love. It seems Lauren is turning his life upside down the same way you did mine.”

“From everything I’ve seen, Lauren feels the same way about him.”

Max paused, almost as if he dreaded bringing up the subject. “So, tell me, how did your dinner go with Annie?”

Earlier in the day, Bethanne had sent Max a text telling him about the note. She debated whether she should mention the meeting with Grant and then quickly decided it wasn’t a good idea to keep secrets from her husband.

“That bad?” he asked, when she didn’t immediately answer.

“It was a setup. Annie wasn’t at dinner.”

“Let me guess. Grant came instead.”


“And what did he have to say?” Max’s voice cooled considerably.

“Not much, but not from lack of trying. He wanted to be sure I knew how he felt about me possibly moving to California.”

“I imagine he did,” he stated in the same chilly tones.

“I didn’t give him the opportunity to speak his mind. His opinion doesn’t matter, and if Annie chooses to look for work elsewhere, then that’s solely her decision.”

“Annie’s threatening to quit?”

“Yes, but …”

“Will she?”

“Probably, but Max, I refuse to let her blackmail me with her threats. At this point, I’m beginning to think her leaving the company might be a good idea.”

“No,” he burst out immediately. “This isn’t what I want for you or Annie. The two of you have worked together from the start. I refuse to be the one responsible for tearing your family apart.”

“Annie needs to grow up.”

“You’re right, she does, but not like this.”

“Max …”

“Honey, I apologize. I regret ever bringing up the subject of you leaving Washington State. It was a selfish mistake on my part. My only excuse is that I was overly tired from the long ride.”

“But what you said …”

“I know what I said and I’ve been kicking myself ever since. The last thing I want is for you to uproot your entire life for me; what we have now isn’t perfect, but it’s working.”

Bethanne felt like crying. “Is it working, Max?” she asked softly. “I’m miserable without you. If we could be together it would be so much better.”

“I agree, but that isn’t possible for either of us in our current situation. You’ll be with me in a few days, and we’ll have the entire weekend. Let’s concentrate on the time we have together instead of what we don’t have.”

In other words, concentrate on the positive. “It seems like an eternity since I last saw you.”

“It feels like that to me, too.”

“And you berate Rooster for being lovesick and missing Lauren.”

He chuckled. “Guess you’re right. I shouldn’t be so judgmental.”

Bethanne smiled, loving her husband all the more.

“Now, no more talk about you moving to California, understand?”

“Got it,” she confirmed.

They spoke for several additional moments, and by the time they disconnected, Bethanne felt as if she were floating on a cloud. Until Max mentioned it, she hadn’t realized how tense she’d been over this potential move. Max had asked it of her, and she took his request to heart, giving the matter serious consideration.

She wasn’t sure what she’d tell Annie. Whatever she decided, Bethanne wanted to make it clear that her daughter’s threat wasn’t a key factor in this sudden turnaround.

“Annie, Annie, Annie,” Bethanne whispered, and closed her eyes, seeking wisdom in dealing with her daughter and her daughter’s dislike of Max.

Chapter Twenty-two

“Hi.” Rooster’s voice came over the line as clear as if he was sitting directly across from her in a restaurant booth. Lauren found it hard to believe that he was still in New Zealand.

“Hi, yourself,” she said, sitting on the edge of her bed, her suitcase propped open. “I’m packing for Las Vegas.” She was scheduled to be away for only three days. The problem was that she hadn’t learned to pack light. Elisa, who was far more seasoned, would get everything inside a carry-on while Lauren struggled to hold it down to two suitcases, which, of course, was ridiculous. “I’m trying to decide what to pack and what not to take. It’s an art form.” Rooster had been away nearly two weeks, traveling from city to city across New Zealand. “Are you tired of living out of a suitcase yet?” she asked. Rooster, who was accustomed to traveling light, had probably packed everything he needed for two weeks inside a briefcase.

Debbie Macomber's Books