Blossom Street Brides (Blossom Street #10)(102)

Katie glanced at her wrist. “Mom and Dad should be here any time.”

A man came over and spoke briefly to Bethanne. After he left, she explained, “That was the deejay. He wants to test the sound system.”

“Perhaps we should check out the dance floor,” Max suggested, reaching for Bethanne’s hand.

Rooster tensed and leaned forward to whisper in Lauren’s ear, “I’m not much good at this.”

“Don’t worry,” she said as she followed the two other couples toward the dance floor. “Just hold me and shuffle your feet a bit, okay?”

Katie and Dietrich stepped onto the polished oak dance floor and the music started. Right away, Dietrich took Katie in his arms. Bethanne and Max followed. Rooster released a sigh and wrapped his arms around Lauren. For someone who assumed he lacked the dancing gene, Rooster did amazingly well.

Lauren closed her eyes, and Rooster pressed his chin to the side of her head. “Thank you,” he whispered.

“For what?”

“For your husband list, for loving me, for hiding my clothes and moving my furniture around. Mostly, thank you for completing me. You’re my family now, Lauren, and hopefully we’ll add to that family in due course.”

“You might have your wish sooner than you realize.”

In a flash, he lifted his head. “What did you say?”

“I’m late,” she told him.

“What does that mean?” he demanded.

“It means I’m late, but I never am, and so I bought a home test kit.”


“And the stick turned blue.”


“Positive, in other words.”

He went completely still. “You’re pregnant?”

“It looks that way.”

“Hey, look,” Max said as he passed by them, Bethanne in his arms. “Three brides all together. Blossom Street brides.”

“Max,” Rooster called out excitedly. “We’re pregnant.”

Max’s face broke into a huge grin. “Congratulations. I figured you two were up to something.”

Lauren’s husband tightened his embrace and heaved a lengthy sigh. “I don’t know that a body can take in this much happiness all in one fell swoop.”

“Brides and babies,” Max said, laughing and shaking his head at the same time.

“It seems like a pretty wonderful combination to me,” Bethanne chided.

Elisa and Garry stepped into the hall. Elisa looked around. “I thought we were early, but it looks like the party has already started.”

“We’re testing out the sound system,” Katie explained to her mother. “Come on, join in.”

Garry immediately swept Elisa into his arms and whirled her around the room.

Lauren noticed that Rooster seemed unable to take his eyes off the couple.

“They took ballroom dancing classes,” she told him.

“Wow, they’re good.”

“You want to take a few dance classes?” she asked.

Rooster snorted. “No way.”

“You might like it. Garry balked at first, but he came to really enjoy it.” Several times while at the store Lauren found her employer practicing his footwork, dancing with an imaginary partner.

Rooster hesitated. “I can’t see me ever taking dance classes, but then I never really saw myself as a husband much, either, and now I’m a husband and I’m going to be a father.” He shook his head as if even now it was more than he could assimilate.

“I don’t suppose I ever mentioned that twins run in the family.”

Rooster’s eyes went wide.

Alix and Jordan arrived and waved at Rooster and Lauren.

“Join the party,” Bethanne called out. “It’s just getting started.”

It wasn’t long before the reception hall was filled with guests. Lydia, Brad, Casey, and Cody arrived, along with Todd and his date, who he proudly introduced. Todd looked happy, and when he caught Lauren’s attention, he winked.

“I saw that,” Rooster muttered.

“Are you jealous?” she teased.

“Can’t see any reason why I should be.” He kissed the side of her head, his breath fanning the small hair by her ear. “Brides and babies,” Rooster whispered as they mingled with their guests, greeting each one. “This is better than the best motorcycle ride I ever took.”

“You silver-tongued devil,” she chided, and laughed. “You know exactly what to say to sweep a girl off her feet.”

Debbie Macomber's Books