Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)(60)

He grimaced. “Leaking?”

“A few hours’ rest isn’t going to change anything.”

His jaw tightened, then, reading the unwavering resolve etched onto her face, he conceded defeat with a slow, heart-melting smile.

“Very well, but I might need help getting out of my clothes.”

She hid her surge of relief. “I think that can be arranged.”

Taking his hand, she silently led him into the bedroom and across the carpet to the attached bathroom. Flipping on the overhead light, she turned to tug at his bow tie.

He watched her from beneath half-lowered lashes as she tossed aside the tie and slid her hands beneath the tailored jacket to help him shrug it off his shoulders and down his massive arms.

Unprepared for what was hidden beneath, she sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of the blood that stained the purity of his white shirt. Christ. The whole left side was painted in red.

“Oh, Fane,” she breathed, her mouth dry with the realization that the wound was even worse than she had suspected.

Grasping the front of his ruined shirt, Fane ripped it off his body, using it to wipe away the blood coating his skin.

“It’s nearly healed.”

She studied the ragged hole in his shoulder that continued to ooze blood, not nearly as convinced as he was pretending to be.

“What about the bullet?”

He kicked off his shoes, unbuckling his belt so he could allow the silk pants to slide to the floor.

“Through and through,” he assured her, yanking off his socks to leave him standing in front of her in all his naked glory.

And it was glorious.

Her stomach clenched, sparks of excitement racing through her blood as her gaze traveled downward.

The broad shoulders, the wide, sculpted chest, the narrow waist that flared only slightly at his hips. The muscular legs that ended at surprisingly narrow feet.

And all that delectable manhood was covered in dazzling, exquisitely inked tattoos that made her fingers itch to explore.

She forcibly kept her hands clenched at her side, returning her attention to his injury.

She would have time later to indulge her seemingly insatiable need for this man.

“Why didn’t you allow the healer to help?”

He held her concerned gaze, his expression somber. “The only woman allowed to touch me is you.”

Oh. Hell.

A huge crack formed in the wall she was so desperately trying to build between them.

“Dammit. You’re not supposed to be charming me,” she growled, even as she stripped off her itty-bitty dress and stepped into the shower.

Indifferent to the damage to her silken panties and matching bra, she turned on the water, adjusting it until it was just a degree below scalding.

“You’re joining me?” Fane demanded, stepping beneath the hot spray of water with obvious pleasure.

“You’re always taking care of me,” she said, reaching for the soap. Pouring a small dollop in her hand, she began to spread it over his shoulders and down his chest, careful to avoid his wound. “It’s my turn to take care of you.”

“It’s my job to protect you,” he murmured, his voice suddenly husky with emotion. “And my honor.”

She leaned forward to press a tender kiss directly over his heart.

“Tonight, it’s my honor.”

Chapter Fourteen

Bas remained silent as they’d reached his safe house north of town. The onetime government lab had proved to be a perfect place to set up his St. Louis headquarters.

Not only was the building heavily reinforced, it also had a built-in security system and several levels constructed underground, including one that had once been used as a bomb shelter.

Once he’d taken over the property he’d only increased the layers of protection around the building, using both magic and technology to turn it into an impregnable fortress.

Or at least he thought it was impregnable before Molly was stolen from him.

Struggling against the tidal wave of frustration that threatened to sweep him into madness, Bas headed through the sterile hallways painted institutional white with linoleum floors to the private elevator that led to the top floor.

Kaede remained closely at his side, monitoring his phone for incoming messages.

The warrior understood that Bas was waiting to ensure they had absolute privacy before discussing the latest f*ckup in a long list of f*ck-ups.

The elevator doors slid open and they stepped into a long room filled with top-notch computer systems, monitors, and a steel vault on the far side that was filled with special-force-grade weapons.

Two trained Sentinels rose to their feet at his unexpected entrance, but waving them back to the security cameras they were monitoring, he headed directly into the back office.

Placing his hand on the scanner, he waited for the door to slide open. He motioned Kaede to enter ahead of him, his brutal training refusing to allow him to have anyone at his back, even his most trusted warrior.

With a last glance over his shoulders at the monitor that displayed the front gate to ensure they hadn’t been followed, he stepped into the office and closed the door behind him.

Unlike his office at the Cavrilo International Building, this room was erected for comfort with glossy wooden floors and walls painted a soft ivory. There were built-in bookcases on either side of the window with a cushioned window seat built between them to look out the window at the wooded area at the back.

Alexandra Ivy's Books