Betrayals of Spring (Forever Fae #2)(9)

He leans down to quickly kiss my lips before gathering his things to exit out the front doors. He’s such a good man, and he deserves someone so much better than me. Thankfully, he’s never told me he loves me, which I’m glad about. I want to keep our relationship uncomp-licated. He doesn’t seem to mind the arrangement we have now. My family knows that I am seeing him, but they keep their thoughts silent from me. They know that once I find the one I am drawn to it’ll be over between me and Finn. The thought makes my heart ache with the loss of one day losing him. He’s been an amazing friend and a passionate lover to me for the past five years. I do have my heart guarded by a thick wall, but I still feel enough to know that I’ll miss him when the time comes.

I guess my time of procrastinating is over since I’m now standing alone in the foyer. I walk to the front doors of the palace and I look around at the land that doesn’t feel like a home to me anymore. The sense of belonging just isn’t there, and I don’t know where I belong. I really hope to figure it out someday.

I have never been to the Winter Court before, but I have been through parts of the Mystical Forest. My horse, Prince Ashe, has been my riding companion ever since I was a little girl. I remember being little and trying to tie a purple ribbon in his hair. He didn’t like what I was doing and made sure to let me know by nipping my hand. It hurt and I remember crying like a baby. I never tried to tie ribbons in his hair again. Prince Ashe is a midnight black fae horse with sparkly silver eyes. He’s a little bigger than a mortal horse and his life longevity is five times as long as one, too. He’s all dark with his black saddle and reigns, and boots that are black as night with silver spikes. He looks like a menacing creature, but he is as gentle as can be.

The creatures all flock to me when I go through the Mystical Forest, and needless to say, they do so today. The sprites of the forest are flying everywhere, sitting on my shoulders, playing with my braid, tickling my back, and flying all around me. I’m reminded of Snow White and how the animals followed her around and helped her do things. I guess I’m the faerie version of her. I actually do have three rambunctious sprites that help me with my gardening back in the Summer Court. They have agreed to do my gardening while I’m away and have been doing so for a lot longer than that. I hope someday my heart will find the joy in gardening like it used to. I look around at all the little furry animals milling about and following us, and I give them all a warm smile. Once I acknowledge them, they head out on their way.

We ride for a few minutes more and I begin to feel the wind changing course. The breeze is no longer the warm breeze of the Summer, but the crisp and cool breeze of the Fall. The trees up ahead are changing colors so I know we are close to passing through my sister’s court. I’m pretty sure Calista and Ryder have left already to head to the Winter Court. Calista used to visit me a lot by using Nixie to port travel. Nixie helped save my sister in the Black Forest and she also has the ability to port travel anywhere in the Land of the Fae in a matter of seconds. The dark sorcerer held her captive until Calista came along and promised to keep Nixie and her family safe in return for her help. Nixie and her family live out in one of the forests here in the Fall Court, and from what I hear, they are enjoying it greatly.

The color of the leaves is so beautiful, and I can see why Calista fell in love with Fall. The leaves are swirling and dancing in the wind while the cool breeze caresses my hot Summer skin. I feel like I belong with the cooler air, but the Fall is not where I belong. I’ve grown apart from the Summer Court, and I ache to find my place in our realm. Even though I have my family and friends, sometimes the loneliness takes over, and it feels like I am drowning in it.

“I don’t like where your thoughts are right now, Meliantha.”

I jerk my head to look at Ashur and I give him a dark look. I don’t need him searching through my mind right now, especially when my thoughts are going to be harder to shield once we make it to the Winter Court. His eyes hold concern, but that doesn’t stop me from snapping at him.

“I’m fine Ashur. My thoughts are my own and I would greatly appreciate it if you would mind your own business and stay out of my head.”

He nods, but the concern is still there.

“Very well, Princess. I’m sorry to have distressed you, but we’re almost to the Winter Court. Would you like your coat? It’s going to be a lot colder there than you are used to.”

My head aches from stressing about this trip and I close my eyes hoping it’ll ease off. I’m sure the bitter freeze of the Winter wind is going to feel like nails biting into my skin, but I shake my head, refusing the offer. I feel bad for snapping at him so angrily, but I’m confused and terrified about what lies ahead when we reach our destination. With him butting in, it didn’t help matters.

“I’m sorry, Ashur, for snapping at you. I’m just a little tense right now. Thank you for offering my coat, but I will decline.”

He gives me an amused expression and shakes his head, probably from me not wanting my coat. If the warriors can stand the bitter cold without protection, then I can. His eyes lock on something straight ahead and I turn to look at what he’s staring at. Up ahead, the distinction between the Fall Court and the Winter Court is apparent. It’s amazing how things change from mild to extreme. The dividing line between the courts is clear. On one side, the green grass and the colorful leaves of the trees are present. The sky is still blue with a mixture of clouds. On the other side, there are thick snow clouds and the snow is cascading down in abundance. I can already see from here that the land is beautifully covered in white powdery snow. It sparkles and glistens like diamonds. We are almost to the dividing line when the temperature starts to change. A shiver rolls down my spine and my traitorous mind says that maybe I should rethink putting on my coat. No, I chastise myself. I can’t look weak.

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