Because You Are Mine (Because You Are Mine #1)(57)

“I’m acquainted with a doctor of Chinese medicine in Chicago who recommended this stimulant, but I’d never used it before you. I’m getting the distinct impression that you approve of it,” he said, his full lips shaping into a small smile. He stepped toward her and she held her breath, knowing what was to come. He plunged his finger between her labia and rubbed her clit, covering it with the stimulant. She bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying out in excitement. Maybe it was her imagination of what was to come, but she already began to burn.

He dropped his hand. She watched anxiously as he picked up the item with the black straps that she’d noticed earlier. There was a thin cord attached to it as well, with a small control panel.

“What’s that?” she asked, slightly alarmed.

“It’s something designed purely for your pleasure, lovely. Don’t be afraid,” he said as he came toward her. “It’s a hands-free vibrator,” he explained, sliding the adjustable straps around her hips and tightening them. She stared down in mixed fascination and arousal as she saw him press a clear, ridged, jellylike column against her labia and clit. He set the control panel with a dial at the edge of the bed. “I don’t relish making you uncomfortable, but since you are inexperienced, your first lessons at this might be more . . . trying for you until you become used to things. I want you to feel pleasure while you’re learning me. It will make things easier for you. Perhaps.”

“I don’t understand,” she said as he further tightened the straps on the vibrator until they were snug and stepped back, examining his handiwork. It was as if she wore a skimpy pair of underwear with the little vibrator wedged between her labia. Her * was already buzzing just from the slight pressure and the clitoral cream, and Ian hadn’t even turned on the device yet.

He regarded her soberly for a moment, her nipples pinching tight when his gaze lingered on her breasts. “I happen to be very demanding when it comes to fellatio.”

“Oh,” she said, unable to think of anything else to say. He’d said it almost apologetically.

“I’ve never taught a woman to do this. I suspect I’ll be a failure at easing you into this particular activity, but I want you to know that I put considerable thought into it.”

“What do you mean?” She grew increasingly confused by the moment. Were they even talking about the same thing? He’d said fellatio, so she thought so, but still . . .

“It’s a bit of a conundrum. I can’t change my demanding nature, and I doubt I could if I tried my hardest in this case, as attracted to you as I am.”

She felt her cheeks heat. Sometimes, Ian could say the nicest things and not even seem aware how his casual statements affected her.

“On the other hand, I understand that how a woman is introduced to giving oral sex has a major impact on whether or not she’ll enjoy it in the long term, so I had to really consider.”

“I see,” she whispered. She couldn’t believe they were having this conversation. She hadn’t really thought about the mechanics before, but Ian’s cock was . . . formidable. She met his stare and saw that he’d been studying her face.

“I’m confusing you,” he said, sighing. “As I said, I don’t want to make you dread this. Especially since I’ve been fantasizing about your taking me into your mouth since I first laid eyes on you. I’ll want it frequently, Francesca, and I would prefer if we found it mutually satisfying.”

She blushed uncontrollably. The cream began to tickle and burn her clit.

“Okay,” she said. He touched her cheek.

“Kneel,” he stated simply.

He supported her at the shoulders while she went to her knees, since her wrists were restrained behind her back. She looked up and swallowed thickly. Her face was directly in front of Ian’s crotch. She watched, spellbound, as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, revealing a snow white pair of boxer briefs. He reached down into the left pant leg of the brief and extracted the shaft of his penis. He lowered his pants and the briefs, but didn’t remove them, leaving them gathered beneath his testicles. Suddenly she was just inches away from his exposed cock and shaved balls. He was hard—not iron hard like she’d seen him in the past but aroused nonetheless. He was beautiful. She licked her lower lip nervously as she studied the tapered, fat head. The thickest portion of it at the base had the circumference of a small plum. Had his cock really been inside her body? How in the world would she take it into her throat?

“You even have to be dressed for this?” she asked, looking up at him, her eyes wide. A shiver went through her at the sight of him standing there, so tall and commanding, his cock poking from the trousers. It was an intimidating sight . . . an intensely erotic one.

“Yes. Are you ready to begin?”

He palmed the thick shaft and moved his hand along it while she watched.


He released the shaft of his penis, the weight of it causing it to fall down at an angle. Her lips tingled in anticipation.

“Oh!” She jumped.

He’d turned on the vibrator. It buzzed energetically against her labia and clit. She looked up at him, stunned by the rush of intense pleasure. He studied her face closely. She felt a flush of warmth go over her chest, lips, and cheeks. It felt sinfully good. He grunted in satisfaction and stood before her again. He took his cock into his hand.

Beth Kery's Books