Beat of the Heart (Runaway Train #2)(86)

“Let me guess, you think when we get upstairs we should be talking and doing more repairing of our ‘broken relationship’?”

I bobbed my head wildly up and down. “Yes, we have a lot to talk about.”

“True. But all I want to do is f*ck you senseless.”

I laughed at his honesty. “I would’ve figured as much.”

He closed the gap between us like a hunter stalking its prey. “The question is do you want to f*ck me senseless?”

I sighed. “Wanting you physically has never been an issue for me, AJ,” I answered honestly.

“It’s just the emotional part, huh?”

“Yes. But I’m working on that. I promise,” I whispered.

The elevator dinged our arrival at his penthouse. After AJ took out his card, he pinned me with a stare. “So you do want me to f*ck you senseless?”

I licked my lips. “Yes, more than anything.”

“Good.” AJ motioned for me to go on inside. After I stepped into the foyer, he followed me inside with my bags. He didn’t even stop in the living room. Instead, he continued rolling them down the hall, and I simply trailed along behind him. Once we got inside the bedroom, he closed the door behind us. I eyed him, waiting to see what his next move would be. I was pretty sure it involved getting me naked and flat on my back.

After he abandoned my luggage, he sat down on the bed and crooked his finger at me. With a smile, I walked slowly across the bedroom towards him. “I know in the elevator you said you wanted to f*ck me senseless, but I was wondering if we could meet in the middle.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

I wedged myself between his thighs before bringing my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through the jet black strands of his hair before leaning over to kiss him gently. His warm mouth opened, and I darted my tongue out to dance along his. When he groaned into my mouth, I felt moisture pooling between my thighs. “I’ve missed you,” I murmured against his lips.

“I’ve missed you, too,” he replied, his hands sliding around to cup the cheeks of my ass.

I eased back to stare into his eyes that were already hooded with desire. “Will you make love to me, AJ?”

A lazy smile slunk on his face. “Of course I will. You know, you’re the first woman I’ve ever given up control for.”

I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth before flicking my tongue over it. My teeth grazed it lightly before I pulled away. “I feel honored—I truly do.”

AJ’s fingers left my ass and went to the hem of my sweater. Rising up off the bed, he lifted it over my head. After he undid my pants, I slid them down my thighs. I tried shaking off the ghosts of the past as I stood before him in only my bra and panties. Of course this time, I really did have more weight not only in my stomach, but in my breasts, hips and thighs.

AJ’s gaze left mine to trail down to my extended belly for a moment before reaching out to brush his fingers over my bump. It tickled a bit, and I shivered. “So I guess we’re having a mutt, huh?” he questioned.

My eyes widened before I smacked his arm. “Don’t you dare call Bella a mutt!”

AJ laughed. “I just meant she’s going to be mixed, that’s all. A bit of Mexican and a bit of Sicilian.”

I cocked my brows at him. “Mixed sounds way better than mutt.”

“She’ll be multilingual for sure.”

“That’s true.”

AJ slid back on the bed and crossed his legs Indian style before grasping my hips. He pulled me over to where I rose up to straddle his lap. He pushed us back further on the bed. Staring intently at my mouth, he brought his hand up to brush his thumb over my lips. “Come se dice en Italiano?”


“Mmm, they’re labios in Spanish.”

My index finger came to circle his mouth. “And this?”

“Boca,” he replied before his tongue darted out to lick my finger.

“It’s the same in Italian, except we Sicilians say vucca, too.”

His brows quirked up. “We’re not so different, are we?”

“No, we’re not.”

AJ’s hands slid slowly down my neck, pausing for his fingers to tease along my clavicle before they dipped down and cupped my breasts. “And these?” he questioned with a squeeze.


A smile slunk on his lips. “Another one we have in common. But their senos in Spanish. Or pechos.” He tugged on the straps of my bra and pulled down the cups to expose my breasts. “And these?” His fingers tweaked my hardening nipples.

I sucked in a breath before replying, “Capezzolos.”

“En Español son pezónes.”

“I see.” He leaned over to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. His tongue flicked at the pebbled bud, and my hands went to rake through his hair. “Mmm, la bocca mi fa bagnato.”

“En Ingles por favor,” he replied, before he blew air across my puckering nipple.

“Your mouth makes me wet.” `

“I’m glad to hear that. Cause you’re making me hard as a f*cking rock.

“So what is this called then?” I asked, as I cupped the bulge in his boxers.

“Maestro de tu universo,” he murmured against my breast.

Katie Ashley's Books