Baiting the Maid of Honor (Wedding Dare #2)(11)

“Yes, Mother. Still in Colorado. I’ll be here for the week, remember? Kady is getting m—” She paused and he watched her shoulders slump a little. “No, I…I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were counting on me to drive you to the church tonight… Yes, I’m aware Serena always made time to take you.” The lights fell to the ground from Julie’s suddenly lifeless fingers and Reed frowned. He didn’t like the tone her voice had taken on. It bothered him much more than it should. He resisted the urge to pull her down off the ladder and shake her until she smiled. A thought unlike him in every way. He wanted only one thing from her mouth, and it definitely wasn’t a smile.

Head tipping back, Julie sighed. “You’re right, Mother. Serena was one of a kind. Not everyone can be that perfect. Myself included.”

When Julie hung up, she stood stock-still on the ladder for several long moments. Reed couldn’t take her deflated posture anymore and cleared his throat into the silence, moving toward her in case she startled. She turned abruptly, blue eyes wide and damp, but didn’t fall. All at once, her chin went up and her mouth flattened in warning. He watched her process the fact that he’d overheard the call, not allowing himself to feel the creeping regret when her cheeks flamed and she averted her eyes, looking embarrassed.

Once again, the pit in his stomach widened. He wanted the girl from last night back. The one who’d threatened to cut off his balls. The one who’d kissed him with unleashed enthusiasm, legs wrapped around his hips like a steel vise. And damn it, for some unnamed reason he wanted to help her save face. If anyone knew about parents piling shit on the heads of their children, it was him. There was only one way to take away the hurt: replace it with something else. A hot Southern temper would do nicely.

“I can see your light-pink panties from down here, pixie girl. You waiting for me to reach up and sneak them off?” He made a hungry sound in his throat, circling the ladder without removing his gaze from between her legs. “From this angle, I could learn all your secrets. Come on, let’s see that sweet spot you’re hiding. Show me where my mouth will go to drive you f*cking crazy.”

Julie’s breath felt trapped in her lungs. Every inch of her skin flamed hot, like it had been licked with fire. All remnants of frustration from her mother’s phone call seeped from her body as Reed launched his verbal attack from below. His gaze felt like a tangible thing. She felt it brush between her thighs as though he’d used his hand instead of hooded hazel eyes. When she recognized her desire to part her thighs even farther so he could look his fill, she sucked in a breath and descended from the ladder angrily. How dare he listen in on her phone call, then address her as though she hadn’t already turned down his advances once and for all? Regardless of the fact that she’d spent a restless night in her massive hotel bed, imagining what would have happened if she’d actually stayed in Reed’s room, he had no right being here now, discussing her lady parts like they were the soup of the day.

“Now you listen to me and you listen well, Mister Lawson.” She got right up in his face and pushed a finger into the center of his chest. When his mouth twitched at one end it only made her angrier. “If your mama didn’t see fit to teach you basic manners, that’s none of my concern, but that racket isn’t welcome around here.” She took back her finger and smoothed a hand down her skirt. “I assure you, my sweet spot will remain a secret to you, no matter what rolls off your tongue.”

“Is that a fact?”

“Set in stone.”

“Come closer, then.” He crooked his finger at her. “Let me talk in your ear for a while and we’ll see if you can keep your secrets, pixie.”

“Stop calling me that. It’s ridiculous and unfitting,” she huffed, amazed at how much she wanted to take him up on his offer. Oh, God, she wanted to feel the way she had last night. So bad. But it would be a cold day in hell before she gave in to his arrogant demands. Honestly, he acted as if her acquiescence was a foregone conclusion. Women must not turn him down very often. Why the thought only served to rile her temper, Julie didn’t care to explore. “I’m not interested. Keep your hands and thoughts to yourself.”

She could practically hear his jaw grinding. “How can I help you hang those lights if I keep my hands to myself?”

“I don’t recall asking for your help.”

“You’re getting it anyway.”

“When was the last time someone told you no, Mr. Lawson?”

“Reed.” He scooped the lights off the floor and handed her one end. “And I don’t recall.”

Julie took the end he offered and climbed the ladder once more. When his attention dropped to her legs, she arched her eyebrow and indicated the opposite end of the room where more lights waited to be hung. After a moment when he looked to be debating whether or not to follow her instructions, he went with a sigh.

“How did you get stuck doing this?” he muttered, fishing through a wooden crate.

“Stuck?” She frowned. “I love doing this.”

“Jesus. What the hell for?”

Julie opened her mouth to reply, then realized no one had ever asked her that question. She’d always been a planner, an idea girl. But until her sister’s death four years ago, the planning had only been for fun events. Now, it applied to everything. Her parents, especially her mother, had taken Serena’s death hard and she’d been required to step up. Not only event planning for her father’s company, but helping her parents run their estate. Everything Serena had done so well. This kind of planning? This was pure pleasure, even if the strain of making everything perfect got to her from time to time.

Tessa Bailey's Books