Anathema (Causal Enchantment #1)(46)

She looked suspiciously at Max. “Why don’t you go see the others?”

He groaned in response and rolled onto his side, making it clear he had no intention of moving.

“Damn mutt,” she muttered under her breath.

“Why don’t you like Max?” I asked, wondering what could spawn such hatred for a dog.

“He betrayed me once,” she said, eyeing him. “Though he did redeem himself recently by saving you. But I still don’t trust him.”

“Betrayed … like, bit you?” How does a dog betray anyone?

She chuckled, shaking her head. She glanced at the clock and at Max again before deciding something. She turned to me and whispered so low I almost didn’t hear, “If you find Merth, bring it back. As much as possible. But don’t mention it to Viggo or Mortimer.”

I nodded, curiosity drawing my brows together. What could she possibly do with it? It’s dangerous to her, isn’t it? I didn’t bother asking. I figured she’d lie anyway.

I squealed in surprise as the weight of the hefty mountain bag yanked me backward. I landed on my back, my arms and legs flailing wildly, at least two feet above the hard cave floor. “It worked!” I cried out.

Sofie had made sure the harness fit snuggly. Shifting my weight around, I quickly confirmed that no amount of wiggling was going to break me free. So I settled on lying there in the dark, helpless, waiting for rescue like a turtle flipped onto its shell.

A low chuckle sounded in the darkness, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Hello?” I called warily, my voice cracking.

There was a pause, then a loud strike. The cave flooded with torchlight. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Caden’s dimpled smile; another shiver ran down my spine.

Caden approached slowly, shaking his head in disbelief. “Would you like some help?” he asked innocently, towering over me, his green eyes twinkling.

He’s different today. More playful and much, much more relaxed. “No, I’m comfortable. I think I’ll stay like this today,” I answered calmly. Inside, I was as giddy as a thirteen–year–old at a boy band pop concert.

He crouched to inspect the numerous buckles and clasps. “Ticklish?” he asked, arching his eyebrow.

“Oh, please don’t,” I moaned, dreading that level of torturous embarrassment. My current predicament was bad enough.

He laughed softly, then deep concentration tensed his face as he fumbled with the straps. It gave me the opportunity to shamelessly study his face. It didn’t seem real; more sculpted to perfection—his jawline impeccably defined, his lips tinted a lush shade of rose. I resisted the urge to reach up and touch his cheek, to confirm that his skin was skin and not porcelain.

“You’re early,” he murmured. “We didn’t expect you for a few more weeks.”

When he was finished untying me, he jumped lithely to his feet and offered his hand. I timidly accepted. He pulled me up and straight into a hug, sliding his hands tenderly around my waist and clasping them against the small of my back. Startled by the affection, I didn’t know how to react. So I awkwardly reached up and placed my hands on his shoulders, fully aware that my body was as rigid as a plank of wood. He responded by curling his arms farther around me, tightening his grip to bring me closer to him. I could feel his firm chest against my own. He was strong—entirely muscle—and yet there was a warmth and softness that I hadn’t expected. I think I’d expected something cold and dead, and he was the furthest thing from it.

I started to relax, assuring myself that he couldn’t know how I felt about him; otherwise he’d never hug me so intimately.

“My favorite human!” Bishop called suddenly, snapping me out of my daze. A vision of Rachel’s wicked yellow eyes and cruel smile flashed inside my head then, making me shove Caden away in fear. Bishop ruffled my hair as he passed by.

Seconds later, Fiona and Amelie came flying in, knocking me over with the ferocity of their hugs.

I glanced over at Caden to see a flicker of disappointment in his eyes. My heart sank.

“Ooh, what’s this?” Amelie said, and she and Fiona began ransacking the bag like toddlers under a Christmas tree, pulling out individual parcels with names scrawled on them in Sofie’s flowery handwriting. The guys stood behind them, shaking their heads and laughing. Where’s Rachel? My eyes casually roamed the cave. Probably lurking in the shadows. Or out slaughtering Bambi’s children.

Fiona pulled out some racy black underwear that she stealthily tucked under her arm, a reserved smile on her face.

“What’s that?” Bishop asked. Fiona smoothly diverted his attention to a pile of men’s clothing and soon both guys were rifling eagerly through their packages.

I sat back against the wall, pleased I could help them in some way, that I had the means. Well, Mortimer and Viggo did.

“Are you planning on staying a while?” Amelie said, pulling out an air mattress.

I frowned. “Is that for me?”

“It’s not for us.”

Right, they don’t sleep. “I don’t know. Sofie packed the—” My words ended in a gasp as Caden pulled his old ratty shirt over his head, exposing a perfectly rippled stomach and sculpted chest. He had a new sky blue crewneck over his head in seconds, but not before I had ample opportunity to stare at him like a pervert, a weird, unfamiliar sensation stirring deep within me.

K.A. Tucker's Books