Always On My Mind (The Sullivans #8)(62)

Lori and Marcus had always been especially close, and she loved and respected him for all he’d done to help raise her when their father had died, but she refused to let him act like he knew what was best for her.

“I love Grayson,” she said to Marcus as soon as he walked into her childhood bedroom and closed the door. The room that had held the contents of her and Sophie’s entire world as little girls now seemed so small. And yet, it was still comforting. “You’re not even trying to get to know him.”

“You met the guy on the rebound, Lori, and you’ve only known him two weeks. Less than that. How can you actually believe you’re in love with the guy?”

“His name is Grayson,” she growled, “not the guy. And are you seriously saying that to me?” She raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t what you just described exactly what happened with you and Nicola in way less than two weeks? You didn’t tell any of us about her, either, not until you showed up at Sunday lunch and declared your love to her in front of everyone.” Lori was a foot smaller than Marcus, but that didn’t stop her from facing him down, toe to toe. “We all accepted her. We all made her feel welcome. Why can’t you do that with Grayson?”

“Because I love you and I can’t stand to see you make another mistake!” His booming voice cut through her frustration like a foghorn.

She could easily read between the lines of what he was saying: He was not only worried about her heart being broken, he was also worried about her giving up her own career and dreams for the man she’d fallen in love with.

“You and Nicola have made it work, being on the road for her music and also having to take care of the vines and your winery. Don’t you think Grayson and I can, too?”

“Even if he loves you and you love him, it’s obvious that he’s damaged, Lori. Badly. We can all see it.” He drew her into his arms. “I know how softhearted you are, that you want to take care of everyone and shower them with love. But sometimes love isn’t enough to heal a person. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

“I love you, too, big brother,” she told him as she wrapped her arms around him, “but I wouldn’t walk away from Grayson when he was hellbent on trying to make me leave, and I won’t walk away from him now, not even for you.” She drew back to give him a stern look. “So when we go back outside, I expect you to be nice.”

Of course, Marcus was just as stubborn as she was, so instead of agreeing, he said, “Tell me more about the farm.”

It wasn’t much, but it was something, so she grabbed it with both hands as she told him all about her first time in the pigpen.

* * *

Her siblings were all used to the way Lori blew and in and out of a room so fast that if you blinked you might miss it, but what they weren’t used to was seeing her with someone she was obviously very much in love with.

Especially when it was the kind of guy none of them would ever have thought to pair her up with.

After she and Grayson headed out, Smith looked around the table. “So?”

Sophie immediately jumped in with, “I like him.” Though she and Lori had had a slightly rocky couple of years, no one was surprised to see Sophie stick up for her sister. Not when they’d always been especially close to each other. “She’s never been with a guy like him before, but somehow he’s perfect for her.”

Gabe nodded grudgingly. “They did seem to be a good fit.”

But Zach was shaking his head. “Okay, so maybe he’s a good guy. And maybe he does really care about her.” All of them had been able to see that in every look, every touch, the way he’d instinctively wanted to protect her when they’d been grilling her on what had happened to her in Chicago and why she’d disappeared on them all. “But he lives on a thousand-acre farm and runs a CSA that supports an entire community. He can’t walk away from that for her.”

“Who says she’s asking him to walk away from it?” Sophie shot back, no longer the quiet little sister they’d nicknamed Nice when she was a little girl.

“Can you really see Lori living on a farm?” Ryan asked.

Marcus had stepped up to take care of all of them after their father died, but they all knew he and Lori had a special bond. “Actually,” he said, “she has always loved to help me in the vineyards.”

But Ryan was holding firm. “I’m sure being out on a farm is fun for a week or two—something different, especially after what happened in Chicago. But she’s Naughty,” he reminded them all.

“You’re right, Ryan,” Chase said. “It’s Lori we’re talking about here.” He gave them all a considering look. “She’s not like other people and never has been. So why are we all thinking her love life needs to make sense?”

Only one person hadn’t spoken up yet: their mother. They all turned to her now to see what she thought about the man her daughter had brought home today, as they had turned to her so many times before for answers.

Mary Sullivan smiled at her children and at the men and women and children who had also become a part of her family during the past two years. “Lori loves Grayson. And he loves her.”

With a few simple words and that calm smile they knew she was right: There wasn’t anything else they needed to know about Lori and Grayson’s situation. Because there was nothing they could trust in more than love.

Bella Andre's Books