A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(22)

Lump had still never hit William—she reversed the challenge when she got hit the last time. William was fast, and Lump wasn’t near as sneaky. She only got close when he was coming around corners—or when I sabotaged him for her.

“Did she hurt her arm, maybe? You know she doesn’t like to admit injuries,” I speculated.

“I don’t know, Jess. I don’t think so. I think she just isn’t feeling all that great these days. Lady will only take one day off, and that is with the strict understanding that Adam and I will stay at Gladis’s for that night.”

I once asked Adam if it was weird staying with Lump in a room at Gladis’s house. He’d said that the first night, yes, absolutely. He really didn’t want to, but Lump strong armed him. Apparently, though, his unease ended abruptly when he woke up to an extravagant breakfast, a paper, and seconds on anything he chose. Oh yeah, and his boots shined by the time he was ready to leave. He never complained again. Lump even caught him leaving the door open so his laundry would be done by the time he came back. He obviously missed his mama doing all his chores.

“Tell her about the other thing,” Adam said.

“Oh yeah. She keeps trying to corner me into agreeing to expand the business. ‘Cause, it’s, you know, doing well…” Lump had a sip of her coffee to hide her pride.

“I visited,” William said, leaning back in his chair and nearly putting his arm over Adam’s shoulders.

Adam jumped and leaned away, a big grin on his face. “Now, I know I’m pretty, Willie, but don’t go mistakin’ me for Jessie.”

William smiled in embarrassment. “As Jessica would say, ‘my bad.’ Anyway, I stopped in when you asked if I wanted to invest. Or, when Jessica asked, anyway.” Lump had needed more cash to move to a bigger place, and I figured investing was the way to go. That’s how I ended up with 25%, William and Adam with 12% each, and Lump with the majority, 51%. “You’re doing good. The set-up is well thought out, the classes seem organized and well received—you made it a success.”

Lump’s face turned red. “Jess was huge in that. I’m good at the hands on, she’s good at everything else.”

Now it was William showing pride. He went to put his arm around Adam’s shoulders again.

“Jessie, switch with me,” Adam said, jumping out of the chair. “Next he’ll be trying to cop a feel, and I don’t swing that way.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, obliging. I got a dark look.

“Well, anyway,” Lump continued, smiling at what I’d said, “she has been trying to get me thinking about expanding the business. I mean, seriously expanding. As in, nationwide. She doesn’t think I am using my full potential.”

“What’s wrong with that? You aren’t,” William divulged.

“She’s lazy and doesn’t see things through,” I answered. “But if you didn’t know that, I can see Gladis trying to push. She always wants what’s best.”

“I agree,” Adam said. He got an elbow. “I mean, not about the lazy part, but yeah, I can see how Gladis would want Lump to push her advantage. But, Jessie, it’s not that, it’s the way she’s after it. Really pushing at her. Pushing at me to get Betz to get some plans together.”

“I don’t know.” Lump shook her head. “I catch her walking through the house, noticing things. Like she’s taking inventory.”

“I wouldn’t let that worry you too much,” William stated. All three of us turned to look at him, his nonchalance misplaced in this group. He put up his hands in surrender, “Not that I’m saying it isn’t strange. It is. I’ll mention it to my mother—“

“Oh, good plan. Denise’ll snoop and push until she finds out what’s going on.” I approved.

William gave me a squeeze—his arm having finally found rest on the back of my chair. “She’ll inquire, yes. But Gladis is getting up there, and she probably knows it. She wants to make sure everything is taken care of, and that probably means you girls. I wouldn’t treat it like Doom’s Day.”

“Well, I think you should stay at the cottage while Willie is gone, Jess,” Lump said. “We’re going to stay more often, too. Make Gladis think she has a full house. Lord knows Adam keeps everyone plenty busy for the staff to assume he was five men instead of one.”

“Is it my fault everyone gets things for me? It’d be rude to say no!”

“You’re not a guest.”

“I am so.”

“Then why don’t you make me meals and clean up after me at your house?” Lump quirked her eyebrow at him.

“Because that is my house, and you are the girlfriend. You should be doing that for me. You are in Gladis’s house, and there I was a guest long before you came along.”

“I should be doing that for you? Should I be wiping your ass, too?”

“If you can stomach it.” Adam was totally dead pan.

Lump scoffed. “Jess, dead arm.”

I got up immediately with an excited grin and punched Adam in the arm.

By rule, Lump and Adam did not hit each other. They did not act in violence toward or around each other in any way, even when they got in spirited arguments. I, however, could hit, kick and bite Adam as much as I wanted. And since I was always on Lump’s side—in public—I got to enforce her irritation.

K.F. Breene's Books