A Warrior Wedding (The Protectors #7)(3)

“What the hell is going on?” Sloan’s voice boomed as he stopped right inside his office.

Guns were drawn, half aimed at the Sloan behind the desk and the other at the Sloan glaring at them from his doorway.

“Eenie meenie miney mo, which Sloan has got to f*cking go?” Sid’s voice rang out, his gun pointed at the Sloan behind the desk, but looking over his shoulder at the Sloan in the doorway.

“You better have a damn good reason to have those guns pointed at me.” Sloan took a step, as if daring any one of them to pull the trigger, but stopped when he saw his twin sitting behind his desk looking directly at him. “You have got to be f*cking kidding me,” was all he said as he continued to stare at the other Sloan.

“Everyone needs to calm down,” the Sloan behind the desk said, starting to stand, but stopped as the sound of triggers clicking echoed in the room.

Jill watched the situation wishing she had her gun; she’d catch hell for that, but her mind had been preoccupied lately. She finally noticed Jax, who stood in the corner of the room, an arrogant half-grin on his face looking way too at ease with no gun drawn.

“Don’t order my men around, motherf*cker. If you Warriors don’t stop aiming those f*cking guns at me, you will be getting them surgically removed from your goddamn asses!” The Sloan by the doorway growled loud enough that Jill swore the room shook.

The Warriors, without moving an inch, looked at each other for a split second before all guns were turned and aimed toward the Sloan behind the desk. That was when all hell broke loose. Jill was pushed back when the Warriors, as one, took the Sloan doppelganger to the ground.

“You going to f*cking do something?” The impersonator shouted.

Jill watched Jax slowly move away, his eyes meeting hers briefly. “Let him go.” Jax’s voice was smooth and calm.

Jared and Sid jerked the man up to a standing position, holding him tight, and Jill gasped. The man no longer looked like Sloan. His black hair hung in his eyes shielding them from view, but his massive frame loomed over Jared and Sid. He shook his head, finally revealing golden eyes framed by long black lashes. His fine muscled arms were sleeved with the most beautiful tattoos Jill had ever seen. She loved tats, but was too chicken to get one herself because pain sucked. Yeah, shock made her think of dumb shit.

When Jared and Sid didn’t let go, the man growled loudly and shook them off. Sid re-pulled his gun aiming at the man’s head.

“If someone doesn’t start explaining, I’m going to unload in two seconds.” Sid’s voice was not the easy-going tone he usually expressed.

The man turned to Sid, bending slightly so the barrel pressed against his forehead. “Pull the trigger. I dare you.”

“Good thing you didn’t double dog dare him.” Jared sneered. Everyone in the room became even more tense, if that were possible. “I’d hate to have my favorite shirt splattered with your brain matter, dumbass.”

Sid’s eyes darkened as he pushed the gun harder, making the man’s head move slightly as he leaned closer. “Any last words.”

“Yeah.” The man also leaned into the gun. “You’re a *. Pull the trigger.”

Sloan reacted by knocking the gun away before landing a punch to the man’s face, then picked him up by the throat shoving him against the wall. “You have exactly one second to tell me who the f*ck you are and why you shifted to look like me, which I never want to happen again or I will take your life with no questions asked.”

The man cocked his eyebrow before hissing as Sloan’s hand tightened painfully around his throat.

“I brought him in,” Jax spoke up, still looking at ease and not at all put out by the situation that had everyone else on edge. “Blaze is not only an ex-Warrior, but a highly intelligent shifter.”

“I wouldn’t say he’s too intelligent in the position he’s in now.” Steve snorted then stepped way back when Blaze’s eyes narrowed on him.

“You going to let go of my throat?” His raspy voice from short air supply echoed in the room. Everyone waited to see what Sloan would do.

A rare sinister smile formed on Sloan’s lips. “Not until you agree to never impersonate me or any of my men.” Sloan’s grin left his face quickly as his lip tilted into a snarl. Blaze struggled, but Sloan, even though just a bit smaller than the man, didn’t lose his grip. “And even then I’ll think about it.”

“It was his brilliant idea,” Blaze hissed out, his eyes betraying Jax.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Sloan pushed away from the man, letting his death grip go before turning on Jax. “Explain,” he demanded, walking around his desk, everyone giving him plenty of space. Jill tripped over her own feet backing out of Sloan’s way. She had never seen him so pissed.

Jax didn’t seem the least bit upset that Blaze ratted him out. “I wanted to prove to everyone how easy it is for someone to shift and impersonate any one of you. Until now, I don’t think you guys totally understood. Now you do.”

“He didn’t shimmer,” Jill pointed out. “Don’t they usually shimmer before they shift?”

Blaze snorted, but his eyes pinned her to the spot. “I don’t shimmer.” His words were hard and deep.

“And that’s exactly why I brought him in,” Jax replied. “My brother is up to something and honestly, we need more help finding him. Blaze is the best and is an ex-Warrior. He knows a lot of people in both the vampire and shifter circles. We need him and he agreed to help.”

Teresa Gabelman's Books