A Trail of Echoes (A Shade of Vampire #18)(37)

“I just… I just wonder, what if my family moved here?” Her words hung in the air before she added quickly, “I mean, I have no idea if my mother would agree, but this place is paradise. Especially compared to where we live. I know that my sisters would love it here, and my brother… I’m sure all this fresh air would do him good… Of course I don’t know whether you just allow anyone to come and stay here.”

I smiled. “You’re not just anyone, River. Of course your family would be welcome… But would you want to stay here as a human, or as a half-blood?”

“I-I don’t know. I mean, it’s just too early to say. I’d first need to go to my family and tell them about this place, bring them to visit so they can see for themselves how gorgeous it is, and then think about exactly what I’m gonna do after that…” She paused, grinning. “Who knows, maybe my family would end up wanting to become vampires, or werewolves…”

I chuckled. “It’s not possible to become a werewolf. They could become vampires, or even half-bloods, like yourself.”

She breathed out, and let out a nervous laugh. “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. My mom, she’s like the most skeptical person there is. She might have a heart attack if I brought her here… But I’m also sure, if she opened her mind and saw how beautiful the place was, she’d fall in love with it just as I have.”

I reached for the side of her face and pulled her back toward me, planting a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Then stay,” I whispered.

“I’ve never been so excited about an idea in my life,” she breathed. “But… If I decide to remain a half-blood, just for now, how will I even return to my apartment to meet my family? Will it be safe?”

“You would return to your apartment with one of our witches, and you’d first scope out the place to check if there were any hunters around. It’s quite possible there are hunters keeping tabs on the place in case you return… But if there aren’t, you’ll be safe spending an hour or two there to convince your mother.”

She paused. “Would you come with me on that short visit? After you’ve turned back into a human, of course. I just think that meeting you—none other than the prince of The Shade—might help me to convince her.”

I gave her a funny look. “Why’s that?”

“Because you’re… awesome?”

“Okay…” I said. “I’m not going to question that.”

She giggled. Then we both fell quiet for a while, absorbed in our own thoughts.

“So if I’ve decided to hold off turning back into a human for now,” she said, “that means we can leave aside finding me a cure for the time being, and tomorrow all our focus can be on fixing you.”

A wave of relief flowed through me at the thought of finally escaping this hell. I caught River’s eye. “You do realize tonight is the last night you’ll spend with me as a vampire? I’ll soon be a human, and then a mere half-blood… will I still be sexy to you?”

She laughed. Moving her mouth close to my ear, she whispered, “You’ll always be sexy to me, Prince… But for now, I’m going to enjoy you as a hunky vampire while I can.” And then she closed her lips around mine.

Chapter 25: Rose

Staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, I still couldn’t believe that I was finally a vampire. I examined my pale skin beneath the warm lighting. I tilted my head back and bared my fangs, watching as they extended as far as they could. And then I looked down at my fingers as I flexed my claws.

It felt like being… some kind of wild animal. I guessed that was what vampires were—animals of sorts. I’d never thought of them that way until now. I could see why vampires became brooding and moody. To suddenly be a beast with a human’s brain… It was enough to mess with anyone’s head.

Nothing could describe the pain of the turning. At one point, I’d found myself begging to die. I was just grateful that my beloved Caleb had stayed by my side the whole time. I could see from his face how traumatic watching me turn had been for him.

And after the turning had come the hunger, the burning in my stomach—I’d thought my appetite might never be satisfied. I was certain as soon as I felt it that I must have the same problem as my brother. But when I found myself able to consume animal blood, I soon realized that, no—that symptom was normal.

Which meant something about Ben made him totally abnormal. At least now we knew. However small, it was a step in the right direction.

I was thirsty a lot after that first day. It took a lot of getting used to the idea of never chewing and swallowing, but only drinking. It was so boring to only crave the same thing every single day—a gooey red liquid that I previously would have felt ill from putting in my mouth. Now, it was all I wanted.

Caleb insisted that we stay on the water for several days after my turning. He said that I would be a danger to humans around the island if we returned too soon, and it was better to wait this out while we were still in the ocean.

Standing in the bathroom that morning, on the sixth day after my turning, I was horrified to catch myself having a graphic daydream involving a soft human neck and lots of warm blood.

I’ve turned into a psycho.

This was a recurring fantasy I had during the day. It popped into my head completely uninvited and uncalled for. Caleb told me that it was absolutely normal, and he’d had such thoughts on a regular basis every day while I was still a human. God, no wonder he was so tense around me.

Bella Forrest's Books