A Kiss of Blood (Vamp City #2)(21)

“Ho, there!” Arturo called, the sound of hoofbeats carrying to her beneath the sounds of her world. “By order of Cristoff Gonzaga, I demand to know who and what you take from his lands.”

The Trader with the deep voice replied. “Slaves, Arturo Mazza. Just slaves who came in through a sunbeam.”

“Mazza?” The vamp holding her released her suddenly. “Bollocks.”

“A sunbeam on Gonzaga lands,” Arturo continued smoothly, “which makes them Cristoff’s property. You know what happens to those who steal from Cristoff, Trader.”

“Just searching for one of my escaped freshies,” the vamp who’d been accosting her said, moving away. “This one isn’t her.”

Ha. No shit, Sherlock.

And just like that it was over. A moment later, over the loud rumble of a truck, she heard what sounded like horses galloping off into the night. Was it Arturo who’d scared them off, or the threat of what Cristoff would do to them?

She didn’t know and, at the moment, didn’t much care.

“They are gone, cara,” Arturo said, his voice drawing near. “But keep your eyes closed. The glow will be seen far in the distance.” She felt his hand cup her knee “You are shaking like a leaf.”

“I’m not in control.” She pulled her hands from the ropes, stretching them in front of her. “Get Zack away from me. Get everyone away from me.”

“I have a better idea.”

She felt Arturo’s arms slide beneath her knees and behind her back. “What are you doing?”

“Moving you away. If your power flies, it may spook the horses.”

She couldn’t argue his logic. He lifted her into his arms, and she curved her arm around his neck and held on tight as he began to run. Being in his arms felt so natural, so right, so . . . safe. It was a mistake to feel that way, she knew it. And yet on some gut-deep level, she trusted him. She always had, which was why his betrayals had cut so deep.

The wind raked at her face and hair, but strong arms held her tight. And as quickly as the ride began, it ended.

“Where did you take me?” Quinn asked breathlessly, struggling not to open her eyes.

“A quarter of a mile from the others, no more.” He set her on her feet. “Release your power, bella. It is safe here.”

“That’s easier said than done.” If she knew how to release it, she’d have fired her energy at the Traders in her apartment instead of her gun.

“Lift your hands and blast me, Quinn.”

She tried, willing the power to fly, but nothing happened. And she was still shaking.

He gripped her jaw as the other vampire had, though not enough to hurt her. “Think of all the times I lied to you,” he said harshly. “Remember how I delivered you to my master knowing he would hurt you. I stood there and watched him hurt you, Quinn, and did nothing to help.”

His voice ached with regret, but the memory was too fresh, too raw, and he was right. She wanted to hurt him for it, dammit. She needed to make him pay for what he’d done.

The fury rose slowly, melding with the power fighting to escape. She slammed her hands against Arturo’s chest, pouring her anger into him. And suddenly, he was gone, the power tearing through her fingertips. And then she was flying back, too, slamming into the hard ground, burning alive on a backdraft that tore through her body, making her cry out from the agony.


As she lay in the dirt, gasping for air, cool, gentle fingers stroked her head. “You’re hurt.”

The wind knocked out of her, she gasped for air, but the power was already draining away. “Are my eyes . . . ?” She blinked them open and closed again.

“The glow is gone.”

She opened her eyes to find him bent over her, his face tight with concern.

“I’m fine, Vampire.” She sat up, stifling a groan, and reached behind her. “My gun.” It must have flown free when she landed. As she pushed to her feet, Arturo picked up something off the ground, her gun, and handed it to her.

Shoving it in her waistband, she looked at him with surprise. “You really trust me with this?”

“I ask you to trust me, cara. The least I can do is trust you in return.”

“I’ve made no promises not to hurt you.”

“You have not.” His expression was serious, but gentle. “You have honor in abundance, and I do not believe you’ll try to kill me unless I deserve it.”

She considered that. “There are times already when I’ve thought you deserved it.”

“I know. I am sorry, tesoro.”

And she believed he meant it. “How far did I send you flying just now?”

“A good twenty feet. That was quite a blast.”

She snorted. “Too bad I didn’t get to see you land.”

His mouth kicked up, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You’d have enjoyed that, would you?”

“I would.”

His expression sobered. “The power caught you, too. You could have been hurt.”

“My power doesn’t like me.” As they started back toward the others, she glanced at him. “Vampire, do you think it’s possible that I caused the worlds to open this time?”

Silence. “Why do you ask?”

Pamela Palmer's Books