You've Got Fail(58)

“I used a Strawberry Feels bath bomb.”

I swallowed the mass of fried potato goodness. “I didn’t know we had that in common.”

“What?” He grabbed another hot wing. “Bath bombs?”

“Nope, allergic to the feels.”

“That’s not true.” He smiled. “I rather like feels.”


“Especially when they involve feeling you…” He leaned close to my ear. “Naked.”

Goosebumps rose along my shoulder. “Careful, you don’t want to overmix the metaphor.”

“I’d say it’s more of an idiom, but tomayto, tomahto.” He grabbed two beers from the tubs full of ice, opened one, and handed it to me.

“I guess you won’t be calling me tonight.” I took a swig, the IPA filling and almost sweet.

“No.” He popped his bottle open and drank. “I intend to do a live action re-creation of all the stories I’ve told you.”

I smiled and scooped up some onion dip. “What about my onion breath?” I chewed and swallowed.

“I’ll survive it. Besides, your mouth is for dessert. The main course is more of a delicacy. Pink and best served hot.”

Holyyyyyy. I pressed my thighs together to quell the tingle in my clit.

He noticed the movement and grinned. “Don’t worry. We can leave early.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself for a guy covered in boils.” I talked a big game, but damn, the promise of his mouth on me again had me wishing for some privacy.

“Like I told Jason, I’m a top.” He tilted my chin up and kissed me. His lips were firm, but his touch remained soft, teasing. Pulling back, he said, “And they’re not boils. Gross.”

“Hey, Willis!” Elias called from the living room.

“What?” he yelled back, but didn’t take his eye off me.

“Jason’s interested in the Shitake Shocker.”

The men walked over as Elias described the toy’s functionality with what could only be described as schoolboy glee.

“That’s great.” Willis handed me a paper towel. “But Scarlet’s got an early morning tomorrow. I’m going to make sure she gets home safely.”

I whipped my head around. “Wha—”

“That’s my boy.” Jason grinned, all good looks and perfect teeth.

“No, she just has to get up—”

“Since when?” I shot Willis a glare and downed another chicken wing.

“Oh, don’t be silly. You need your rest. A thorough, deep sleep.”

I stopped mid-chew and weighed my need for calories versus my need for Willis’s mouth.

The chicken wing slipped from my fingers.

Jason waved his hand. “No explanation needed, you two.” He scooted around the counter and pulled out a plastic container, which he then loaded to the brim with food. “Let me fix you a to-go plate.”

“You ready for your big night tomorrow?” Elias double-dipped a chip.

Willis nodded. “Just one more party, and then my book—” He glanced at Jason. “I mean Scarlet’s book, will come out and—if all goes to plan—it’ll be a bestseller, and then tons of offers for another book and an even better website will be next.”

Elias clapped Willis on the back. “I’m proud of you, man.”

“Me too.” Jason pressed the lid onto the food, though it took a good bit of his strength to close the overstuffed container. “You two make a great advice-giving pair.”

Hello, Guilt? It’s me Scarlet. “Thanks.” I took the food and rose. “Sorry to eat and run.”

“Not a problem.” Jason gave me a hug, then turned me around toward Willis. “You two have fun.”

In the elevator, I scooted to the side, the ridiculously large container of food held firmly in my grip.

When the doors closed, Willis pressed close to me.

“I should go home.” My words came out sounding perfectly rational. Smart, even. But my eyes must have said something different, because Willis grabbed a fistful of my hair and crushed his mouth to mine.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and held onto the food container behind his back. (I was horny, not crazy. No way the chicken wings were going to hit the floor on my watch.) His tongue seemed to know what mine liked without so much as a “are those astronaut pants, because your ass is out of this world.” And I didn’t mind one bit.

He slanted over me, owning me with the hand tangled in my hair and the other sliding down to my ass. Had I been thinking about going home? Foolishness.

The elevator doors opened, but he didn’t stop kissing me. Only when they’d almost slid closed again did he move back and hold them for me. In a daze from his intoxicating lips, I walked past and into the lobby of the swank apartment building. A doorman—this one dressed far more formally than the one at Willis’s apartment—greeted us, then stepped outside to hail a cab at Willis’s instruction.

“I can’t wait to get you alone.” His low voice sent a tremor through me.

“What about your neck?”

“I’m more interested in your neck.” He leaned down and nipped at the side of my throat.

“What happened to the timid nerd I met a few weeks ago?”

Celia Aaron's Books