Year One (Chronicles of The One #1)(91)

“Babies have come into the world healthy and strong long before ultrasounds.”


“I’m a doctor. I’d love to have all the tools available.”

“I can help with that.”

Max stepped to the machine, laid his hand on it. Rachel felt the air vibrate around her before the machine hummed to life.

Lana reached out a hand to brush Max’s arm. “Max has a talent for machines, motors, engines.”

For a moment, professional equanimity lost against a celebratory fist pump. “Oh, hell yes! We have an engineer and an electrician—and an IT guy—who are all going to want to meet you as soon as possible.”

“Can you use it now, for Lana and the baby?”

“Let’s find out. If I’d known this was an option, you could’ve kept on your underwear.”

“If you think modesty’s a factor, it’s not.”

“All right then.”

Rachel pulled out a tube of gel, snapped on the gloves. “I’m going to put this on your abdomen.” She lifted the hem of the gown.

“Will this be painful?” Max asked, and took Lana’s hand.

“Painless.” Mentally crossing her fingers, Rachel rubbed the transducer over the gel. “There.” She nodded toward the monitor. “There’s your baby.”

“I can’t really … Oh God, I can!” Lana’s hand clamped on Max’s. “I can see her. She’s moving. I can feel her moving.”

“Hear that sound? That’s a good, strong heartbeat. And from the size, I agree with your conception date.”

“She’s so small.” Max reached out, traced the image with his finger.

“I’ve seen bigger bell peppers,” Lana agreed. “Is she growing all right?”

“We’ve got her at right about five and a half inches, and seven ounces. She’s growing exactly right. And you’re right again. It’s a girl.”

“I see her fingers.” Lana’s voice broke. “She has fingers.”

“Eight fingers, two thumbs,” Rachel confirmed. “We’re going to take a closer look—at her heart, her brain, her other organs—but I’m going to say I’m seeing a perfectly formed eighteen-week fetus, female. How long will this stay on?” she asked Max.

Still tracing the baby, he brought Lana’s hand to his lips. “How long do you need it?”

Rachel felt a bit like weeping herself. “If I didn’t say it before, let me say it now. Welcome to New Hope.”


Lana came out clutching a list of do’s and don’ts. A line of people snaked out from Katie’s table. Lana zeroed in on Ray, walked over to hug him.

“Told you, Mama.”

“The doctor said she’s perfect. We’re perfect. She’s hoping to talk to you and Carly after you’re settled a little. I liked her, Ray. I really liked her.”

He gave her a pat on the cheek with his big, broad-palmed hand. “You were right to follow the signs.”

“Hey, I’m Fred.” She bounced up, beaming. “You’re Lana, right, and Max? You brought Bill’s son. He’s so happy. They’re up at Bygones. I think they need a little time together. But Jonah said I should show you around, and let you see the house he thinks will work for you. If you want.”

“I really need to check on some things,” Max told Lana. “Some people.”

“Go ahead. I can go with—Fred? Is that short for Fredrica?”

“Short for Freddie. My mom was like a huge Freddie Mercury fan. You know, Queen?”

Lana let out a laugh. “Yes. And I’d really like to look around, see the house.”

“It’s right across the street. See?” She pointed over and up a few houses to a two-story white brick with a porch. “It used to be bigger. See?” she said again. “They made the other part of it into apartments. They’re kind of dated and need work, but the house part’s pretty good.”

“I’d love to see it.”

Lana tipped her face up to kiss Max. “Do what you have to do.” And she went with Fred.

“I live right there. Arlys and I share that house.”

“Did you meet her on the way here?”

“No, we worked together in New York. I was an intern at the station. Chuck lives over there—he has the basement, and Bill and Jonah live there, too. Arlys and I got to Hoboken to Chuck—he’s a hacker, he was her main source.”

“How did you get to Hoboken?”

“Through the PATH tunnels.”

Lana stopped in the middle of the street. “You went through the tunnel? Just you and Arlys?”

“We had to. It was bad. Some of it was really bad, but it’s over now, and we got to Chuck, and he has a Humvee, and we got out. He’s trying to get communications up again. If anybody can … We met Jonah and Rachel and Katie and the babies on the way. I love babies. And we went all the way to Ohio because Arlys’s family—but…”

“I’m sorry.”

Dangling earrings with multicolored beads swayed on Fred’s ears. “But we found Bill, and he came with us. We left signs for Will. And we met Lloyd and Rainbow and … I know I’m talking a lot. I’m excited.”

Nora Roberts's Books