Worth the Risk(106)
He looks back at me, and the emotions swimming in his eyes unlock every single part of me that I didn’t know was still guarded. He reaches back and takes my hand, linking our fingers together and squeezing gently. It’s that gesture that tells me this is going to work.
I just know.
“I dropped out of the contest because I wanted this on my terms. I wanted her on my terms. We’ve tried to pretend like something wasn’t going on between us. We denied the ridiculous rumors in the Gazette. We did everything we could so no one would think she rigged the contest if I won . . . and even with all that, I went and fell in love with her. Love. Scary shit for me . . . but it’s true.” His nerves are more than adorable as my heart riots against my rib cage. He meets my eyes again. “I love her.”
The bar erupts in a symphony of cheers that I don’t hear because all that’s on repeat in my ears is: I love her.
His lips meet mine in the sweetest of ways, warming me all the way to my toes and back up. I’m so lost in the moment, so caught up in Grayson that when he ends the kiss, he’s all I see. He’s all I know.
“You chose me.” His words are barely audible but filled with wonderment as his eyes well with tears before he blinks them away.
I nod. “I chose you.”
“I’m sorry it took me so long to see.”
“See what?”
“That you’re worth the risk, Princess.”
If my smile could light up a room, everyone in here would be shielding their eyes from the brightness.
“So are you,” I whisper as he lifts our clasped hands to his lips and presses a kiss to the back of my knuckles. And then it hits me. “How did you know?”
“Know what?” The startled look on his face worries me.
“That I was coming back to stay for good. That I told my dad to give the editor-in-chief job at Haute to Rissa. That—”
“You what?” I’m not sure whose voice rings out the loudest—Rissa’s or Grayson’s—but they are both chock-full of astonishment.
I turn to Rissa, whose jaw is slack and eyes blink rapidly as if she’s trying to comprehend what I just said. “Only if you want it, Riss.” I smile. “I’d never uproot your family or take your place unless you wanted to do it . . . but you deserve that position. You deserve to have your chance again.”
“You aren’t kidding, are you?”
“I wouldn’t kid about a thing like this. I told my father that you were the right person for the job, and he agreed. The promotion is yours if you want it.”
“Oh my God!” And before I can prepare for it, she launches herself at me and pulls me into a tight hug. “You really did this for me?”
Her gratitude feels better than anything I’ve felt in the longest of times.
Nah. I take that back. When Rissa steps back and Grayson steps forward, pulls me into his arms, and presses a kiss to my lips, that’s the best thing I’ve felt in the longest of times.
“That was incredible,” he murmurs against my lips.
“Not as incredible as getting to wake up next to you every day.”
“But you gave up your dream?” His hands never stop framing my face as his eyes search mine. I can see the fear flicker there, the worry that being here won’t be enough to keep me. How can he not know that he’s all I need?
“You pushed me away. You expected me to leave. I’m here proving to you I intend to stay. I want you to know that dreams can change . . . and this—you, Luke, Sunnyville—is my dream now.”
“All of this even before you knew if I had my shit together?”
“Do you have your shit together, Grayson?”
His smile is quick. “Yes.”
“Are you sure?”
“Damn sure.”
“I have to warn you,” I say, giving him a teasing smile and making sure that every ounce of love I feel for him is reflected in my eyes. “I’m not an easy girl to please.”
“Oh, I know . . . but I’d rather argue with you any day of the week than kiss someone else.”
And there he goes, sweeping me off my feet.
“I guess now’s the perfect time to tell you I put an offer on the old Kraft house.”
“You what?” His laugh sounds so damn good to my ears that I want to make him do it again.
“I did.”
“Cold showers and all?”
“Cold showers and all. Who knew I could live among the little people,” I say to give him grief and follow it with a wink.
“I have an even better idea.”
“What’s that?”
“Move in with me.”
“Would we get to play PS4 in your bedroom?”
He throws his head back and laughs, the vibration going from his chest into mine before he meets my eyes again. “God, I love you.”
And then he kisses me.
It’s sweet. It’s sexy. It’s nothing I came to Sunnyville looking for, but it’s everything I need.
It’s everything I ever wanted.
“Are you fricking kidding me?”
“What?” he murmurs quietly. Smart man. He’s learned over the past two years and is treading lightly.