Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)(95)

I pulled back and pointed upward, as I fastened my seatbelt with my other hand. “Flying around up there somewhere. He’s a raven. I didn’t know they could do birds!”

“Some can,” he grumbled, trying to catch a glimpse of my stalker out the windscreen. “Let’s get you out of here before he has the chance to meet up with more.”

* * *

The sun finally disappeared below the horizon as Roy drove us along the deserted road to Warin’s fancy neighborhood, and I breathed a sigh of relief. He was awake now. Soon, I’d be back safe in his arms, and I could—

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt when something heavy crashed into the the truck’s roof.

I screamed and Roy swerved, swearing up a storm as he tried to get control of the car again, but before he could, claws smashed through the roof and ripped long, screeching lines in the metal.

“Sonuvabitch!” Roy growled, slamming on the brakes. He ripped the door open and jumped out, shouting, “I just paid the fucking thing off!”

The wolf that had landed on the roof launched itself at him with a ferocious snarl. They both tumbled to the ground, outside of my view.

I fumbled with the seatbelt and rushed out the passenger side door, only to find Roy locked in a wrestling match with the huge wolf. He was doing pretty well for a man fighting with a beast with huge fangs and claws, but the bloody rips along his face and shredded leather jacket spoke in no uncertain terms of the danger this skinwalker posed, even to a man Roy’s size.

“Dennis! Get off him, you fucking psycho!” I screeched.

Neither man paid me any mind.

Breathing in deeply, I closed my eyes and felt for the warmth of my magic. It was still there, just underneath the surface, waiting. It came flowing like a wild stream when I called to it.

“I said, get off him!” I shouted, aiming my hands at the wolf. Green light burst forward and into the two combatants—but whereas Dennis went flying several yards down the road, Roy just grunted.

“Jesus, woman, learn to aim,” he moaned before he got to his feet to face off against the wolf again. But before he could get to it, its furry body collapsed inward on itself, bones snapping, until a large raven sat in its place.

“Oh, no you fucking don’t,” Roy snarled, lunging at the bird. It took off before he got there, cawing in triumph.

“Shit!” He growled, staring after the fleeing raven. It was headed back toward town.


I jumped at the sound of my name, but the voice registered almost immediately. I only managed to see the air blur in front of my, before I was scooped into strong arms. By my lover’s side, Aleric stopped, looking at the destroyed truck with an arched eyebrow.

“What happened here?” Warin’s hands slid over my body, searching for injuries as he pressed his face to my neck, inhaling deeply. “Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine. But Roy’s hurt. He’s bleeding,” I said, squirming like a trapped kitten to get put down so he could focus on my injured bodyguard. Warin didn’t comply.

“I’m fine—just a few scratches,” Roy rumbled. “A skinwalker was stalking her, Mr. Waldlitch. He got away—fucker can fly.”

“A skinwalker?” Warin hissed, gaze moving from the giant to me. “You sneak out and attract the attention of a stray skinwalker? What did I say about staying by my side?!”

“He wasn’t just some rando, Warin. He was my former boss—Dennis. He said… a lot of crazy stuff. I don’t think they ever left. I think whoever’s behind them has been plotting in the wings while they’ve been laying low.”

“I’m taking you home. Then you’re going to tell me—“ Warin’s stern tone was interrupted by my phone’s shrill ringtone. More on instinct than anything else, I pulled it out. Raven’s name flashed on the display.

Shit, I needed to warn her about Dennis! Quickly, I swiped my thumb over the display, answering her call.

“Liv! Liv, they’ve got us, they’ve got the coven! Hel—!” Raven’s frantic voice was cut off by a cracking sound, followed by an unmistakable cry of pain. Then something crunched, and the call cut off.


“They are our allies. We will help them in their time of need.” Warin gave his brother a stern look. “Not to mention once the witches have been disposed of, no doubt the skinwalkers will come for us. And for Liv.”

Aleric grimaced. “They’re fucking witches, Warin! Let them annihilate each other—whoever’s left standing will be weak enough to pick off with ease.”

“You don’t know these skinwalkers, brother. They have fed from Ancient blood,” Warin said, his voice patient. “And if what Liv was told is correct, their master will not rest until he has overthrown me.”

“Not to mention, Raven’s my friend! Joana’s my friend! They got into this mess because they aligned with us. We’re helping them!” I snapped. I hadn’t told Warin everything Dennis had said—I hadn’t mentioned he’d left me a note, because that would mean I’d have to tell Warin about my powers. And I hadn’t mentioned the ramblings about his soulmate, because now… now was so not the time to try to unpack what that could mean.

Nora Ash's Books