Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)(59)

The look on Warin’s marble features was so grim any sane person would have recoiled from the sheer threat emanating off him. I, however, just shot him a half-smile before I nuzzled deeper into the couch. “You gonna go all Night Lord on their asses, huh?”

He snorted, the seriousness on his handsome features cracking for a small smile. “I’ll do much worse than that to anyone who thinks they can hurt you on my watch, little one. Much, much worse.”

* * *

We spent the rest of the night watching Vampire Diaries, occasionally interrupted by Warin’s contemptuous snorts, and at some point I fell asleep with my feet in the vampire's lap. I half-woke by the sensation of floating, and tiredly cracked an eye open just as I was put down on my bed.

"Hmm?" I groaned.

"Dawn is almost here," Warin said softly above me. “I’ll send a car to pick you up at six.” The press of my duvet being wrapped around me made me contentedly sigh before I went back to sleep.


It was once again pretty late when I woke up, and I had a groggy thought that keeping vampire hours probably wasn’t the best thing for my circadian rhythm as I stumbled to the bathroom to pee. Should probably start supplementing with some vitamin D or something, since I wasn’t seeing much of the sun these days, save when driving in for a shift for work.

I spent some extra time in the bathroom, remembering I had to get ready for Warin’s fancy-pants party tonight. He hadn’t gone into much detail about what was expected of me, but judging from his manor-like house, it’d probably be prudent to at least shower. And maybe even do my hair.

* * *

It was five before I walked out of the bathroom with my hair in rollers and a fluffy bathrobe wrapped around me. I wasn’t entirely sure how getting attacked by evil shapeshifting witches meant I was now the sort of person who got made up to go out twice in one week, but even if I would have preferred to spend the evening on the couch… it felt kinda good to primp. It made me feel pretty. And feminine.

A flicker of Warin’s expression as he’d looked me up and down in my skimpy dress the other night had a flush of shame heat my cheeks. Yeah, okay, so the main reason I now liked hanging out in front of the mirror like a teenage girl with a crush was that I’d liked how he’d looked at me. I seriously needed to pull myself together, or the next time I got drunk around the poor guy would likely be the last time I’d see him. He’d been very clear on the no nookie policy.

No sooner had the thought ‘nookie policy’ flashed through my brain before my gaze landed on a big, white box on my kitchen counter. The pizza box, however, was nowhere in sight. Apparently Warin had made a trade on his way out this morning.

Curious, I slid up the counter so I could inspect the box closer. It was clearly made from high-quality cardboard, and though I didn’t recognize the logo stamped in gold across the lid, it only emphasized the impression that whatever was inside was hella expensive. Only one way to find out!

I couldn’t help the small gasp at the revelation of a the pile of exquisite, ruby-red fabric once I lifted the lid. Pure silk, no doubt. A small, white card lay on top of the pile, with my name scrawled across it in a slanted handwriting.

* * *


Please remember, whatever I ask of you this evening I ask only so I can keep you safe.


* * *

I arched an eyebrow at the cryptic message, but put it aside to focus on the red dress. No doubt he was aware I didn’t own anything remotely this fancy, and didn’t want to cause offense.

Though, to be fair, it’s kinda hard to cause offense when you give a girl a dress this exquisite.

Unable to rein in my glee any longer, I picked the magnificent piece of clothing out of the box. It was a full ball gown, with a fitted top delicately adorned with beads and a long, flowing skirt. But before I could get too swept away in the beauty of it, my eyes fell on what had been hiding in the box underneath the dress.

A skin-colored strapless bra.

Now, how Warin knew I didn’t own a strapless bra I had no idea, but my eyebrow crept up again at its appearance. One thing was getting an amazing silk dress to go to the ball in. There was a certain Cinderella quality any woman would find hard to resist.

But a plain bra?

Maybe if it’d been a sexy little number I’d have been all kinds of giddy at the thought of Warin picking out lingerie for me, but this bra was unquestionably of the sturdy, practical variety.

Careful not to crease the dress, I placed it over the counter and picked up the offensive bra. It was even my size.

How the hell did he know what size bra I wore?

* * *

Roy was on guard duty as per usual when I let myself out some forty-five minutes later, a mug of coffee in one hand and my elbows tight against my sides in order to keep my new dress up.

“Hey,” I greeted him when he turned around to see what I wanted. “Trade you a coffee for a zip-up?”

“Sure. S’cold as a vamp’s tit out here today,” he said. Then, giving me a quick glance, he added: “S’cuse me.”

“Ha, got a lot of experience with vampire tits?” I teased as I placed his coffee on the brick banister and turned my back so he could get to my zipper.

Nora Ash's Books