Why Kill the Innocent (Sebastian St. Cyr #13)(31)

“He’s dead?”

“He is. Unfortunately, he died without revealing whom he was working for.”

She watched him dab at the streak of blood on his cheek with a wet cloth. “Any idea who that might be?”

“Not really. At the moment the most likely suspect in Jane’s death is probably her own husband, Edward Ambrose. But he doesn’t know that I suspect him, so why would he try to kill me?” He glanced over at her. “Where are you off to?”

“Clerkenwell. Coachman John thinks he can get me there in the sleigh, so I’ve had Cook pack a basket of food.”

“For the cooper’s wife who gave birth on Thursday?”

“Yes.” She reached for her hat and pivoted back to her dressing table to position it just so. “I’m also taking a sack of coal. I don’t know how the poor of the city are surviving with everything either impossible to find or dreadfully dear.” She turned to face him again, her gray eyes troubled.

“What?” he asked, watching her.

“It’s just that I have the most lowering reflection that I’m doing this simply as a pitiful sop to my own conscience. In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter if I help one desperate mother and her children when thousands more are starving and freezing to death?”

“It’s a beginning.” He went to take her face in his hands and gently kiss her mouth. “Be careful, will you?” he said, his gaze locking with hers.

“I’m not the one somebody just tried to kill. You be careful.”

Chapter 18

It was still snowing when Sebastian reached Covent Garden, big, soft flakes that drifted lazily down on the city.

This was a part of London he’d known well as a young man just down from Oxford, when he’d fallen hopelessly in love with a brilliant, unknown young actress named Kat Boleyn. At the time he had expected to spend the rest of his life with her—have children with her, grow old with her. Then a series of well-intentioned lies tore them apart and very nearly destroyed him.

It had been a dark period in his life, one he didn’t like to remember. But in time he’d learned that a powerful and enriching love can come into a man’s life more than once. And gradually his affection for Kat had shifted from something passionate and desperate to something warm and good, as if she were indeed the half sister he’d once believed her to be.

Now the most acclaimed actress of London’s stage, Kat was currently starring in the title role of Queen Boudica at Covent Garden Theater. And it was there that he found her, sorting through a motley collection of dusty stage props in the warren of frigid rooms below the stairs. She was in her mid-twenties now, a beautiful woman with rich auburn hair, her father’s vivid blue eyes, and a wide mouth that curled into a welcoming smile when she turned and spotted him picking his way toward her through piles of battered shields and wooden swords jumbled together with papier-maché horse heads and a stuffed raven.

“I was wondering when I’d be seeing you,” she said.

“Oh? Are you becoming prescient?”

“I’ve no need to be. No one in the theater can talk of anything other than Jane Ambrose’s death and your interest in it.” She set aside the elaborate headpiece of beads, tarnished wire, and feathers she’d been trying to straighten. “So it’s true? Was she murdered?”

“It was either murder or manslaughter.” He tripped over a crate of masks and collided with a rusty suit of armor. “Did you know her?”

Kat reached out to steady the rocking armor. “I did, but not well. I’ve no idea who could have killed her, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He found himself next to a big old wooden chest and promptly sat on it. It was cold enough down here that he could see his breath. “What about her husband, Edward Ambrose? Do you know him?”

“Ambrose? Of course. His plays and operas are brilliant. I’ve been in half a dozen or more of them over the years.”

“What about the man himself? What do you think of him?”

She took her time in answering. It was one of the things she had in common with her natural father, the Earl of Hendon—this tendency to think carefully and weigh her words before speaking. “He’s well liked in the theater—which is unusual, because not many writers are. He has a reputation for being affable and easygoing.”

“You say that as if you disagree with the general consensus.”

“Oh, I won’t deny he comes across as quite pleasant. But I’ve never been entirely convinced it’s genuine.”

“Any particular reason?”

“I don’t know if I could point to any one thing. It’s probably more a feeling I’ve had.” She shivered and clutched the thin shawl she wore tighter around her shoulders. “You think he killed his own wife?”

“He’s certainly on my list. There’s a rumor he has a mistress—possibly an actress or an opera dancer. Do you know if that’s true?”

“I’ve heard whispers. But I don’t know for certain, no.”

“Could you find out?”

“I can try.” Another shiver racked her frame, chattering her teeth together.

He shrugged off his greatcoat and dropped it around her shoulders. “How about if we continue this conversation over a nice hot cup of tea?”

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