White Rabbit(97)

My friends and family have put up with a lot of my breathless panicking over the years—and even more of my half-baked, sardonic one-liners—and I want you guys to know how much I appreciate it. To my support systems in L.A., Michigan, Phoenix, Chicago, and beyond: you guys keep me going, and I thank you for it.

To Tapani Salminen and Erkki M?kel?: thank you both so much for years of generosity and friendship. I wrote this book while living on H?meentie and finished my own edits of the manuscript on my birthday at your house, so this story is inextricably woven into the time we shared with you during our years in Finland. Paljon Kiitoksia!

And, once again, I have saved the best for last. Uldis, this book will find us in our thirteenth year together. From the Valley to Hollywood, from Hollywood to Helsinki, and from Helsinki back to the Valley, our own story is full of thrilling adventures and surprising twists. I can’t wait to see what comes next. As a wise sage once said, “The rest is still unwritten!” Es tevi mÄ«lu, Ulditi.

Caleb Roehrig's Books