Wanting Winter(74)

“I kind of like where I am actually,” he says huskily, leaning further into me, laying on his forearms.

“I hope you’re comfortable.” My voice comes out a little breathy.

“Very.” Is all he says. His eyes stay on mine, and the more he stares at me, the more my body is screaming for him. I lock my legs around his waist and his eyes grow wide. Before he has time to think, I use all my body weight to flip him so I am now the one on top.” “Fuck.” He groans.

“Comfy now?” I tease.

“How the fuck did you learn to do that? It was hot, but fuck.” He squares his shoulders.

“Self-defense classes. Glad you think getting your ass handed to you is hot.” He relaxes and places his hands on my hips.

“I do have a great view.” He smiles sweetly at me. I try to stand, but he grabs onto my hips tighter, forcing me to sit back on top of him. “Don’t move, I like you on top.” He winks at me, causing me to laugh.

“This is the only time you will have me on top of you.” I cross my arms.

“I like to think there will be many times you will be on top of me.” My mouth hangs open at what he said. I’m not stupid, I know he is implying sex. He’s not being at all subtle that he wants to sleep with me.

“Only in your dreams.” My voice manages to come out stronger than I actually feel.

“You’re always in my dreams.” I roll my eyes.

“You are so cheesy.” I laugh. He shrugs.

“It’s keeping you on top of me right now.” His hands are still on my hips and his thumbs begin to rub along my skin, causing me to shiver and him to groan. My shivering causes my body to subtly grind against him and now I can feel his erection press against me. His fingers have dug into my skin and it takes so much not to moan in pleasure. I kick one leg out until I am off him and just sitting beside him.

“What are you doing here anyway?” I ask him, trying to change the electrified atmosphere that we are suddenly in. He sits up, mirroring me.

“I went for a jog and then I spotted you, sitting there all peaceful, your eyes closed, deep in thought. You ending up on top of me was just a bonus.” I laugh.

Shaking my head at him, I ask, “Do you always just say whatever you want?”

“Only sometimes. I guess you bring it out of me.”

“Oh, the joys,” I say jokingly. “So, does all this work with the other girls?”

“What other girls?”

I chuckle. “The girls you sleep with. We do go to the same school, Colin. I see the girls you hang around with. I hear about all your sexcapades. You’re near suspension because you can’t keep your snake in your pants.”

He bursts out laughing. “Snake? Did you just honestly call it a snake?” He continues to laugh. “Say it again, call it my snake.” I hit his arm.

“What did you want me to say? Dick? Cock?” I look at him and once again, his eyes bore into mine.

“Please don’t say that again.” His words come out all hoarse.


“Don’t.” Something comes over me and I lean forward.

“Cock? Your. Hard. Smooth. Cock.” I say each word slowly and, before I know it, my body is pressed back down onto the ground with Colin hovering over me.

“What did I just say?” His erection presses into my core.

“Colin,” I say breathlessly.

“You think you were being funny.” His face comes closer, his stubble rubbing against my jaw. “You shouldn’t say things like that if you don’t want the guy to turn into an animal, especially those words coming out of that sweet mouth of yours.” His thumb strokes along my bottom lip. “I so want to kiss you right now.” His expression looks torn. He stares at the grass, seeing something I can’t, before his eyes dart back to mine. “I’m not a good person, Sasha. I am probably the biggest asshole out there but, fuck me, I want to taste you.” His face comes in closer and I can feel his breath against my lips. “Tell me to stop,” he whispers. His tongue grazes where he just touched. “Tell me.” My mind has gone all foggy but I manage to look through the haze and place my hand on his chest, slowly pushing him off me.

We only started talking today; this is going way too fast. How is it that after only one day that I’m ready to throw out all my morals just for him to kiss me, to touch me, to please me? I can’t be just another girl.

“I need to go,” I say, not looking at him. He reaches out and his thumb lifts my chin.

“I’m sorry.” It feels like he’s apologizing for so much more than just moving too fast.

“Me too,” I whisper. I take a step back so his hand falls away from me. I turn and start to walk away but he calls my name so I turn back around.

“I do like you, Sasha Bennett. More than I should.” I give him a small smile and turn back around to head home, but all the way there I couldn’t stop the huge smile on my face.


I hate this part as I never know what to say. I have been writing for almost three years and this makes book number fourteen and it still feels unreal. Knowing that you give my book a chance. Each passing day I am so thankful to everyone that helps support me, to keep my dream going.

J.L. Ostle's Books