Unexpected Arrivals(34)

Neil had stopped by my apartment on his way home to get signatures on documents he needed while I was gone. He hadn’t been here since I’d moved in, and he seemed uncomfortable, although it could have been the topic at hand or my home itself.

“You get lonely living here?” Well, that answered that question.

I thought about lying to him, giving him the PC answer that would allow him to sleep without worry. Then I realized I had no reason to be dishonest. “Why do you think I’m never here?” I pointed to the closet in my room. “Hell, I haven’t even unpacked all my stuff.”

He sat in the chair in the corner, the one Cora had loved in the apartment we’d shared with Neil and Hannah. “What do you do when you’re not at work? Surely you don’t spend all your time at the bar in Midtown.”

“Most of it. They’ve got decent food, great draft, and fairly good company.” I shrugged as I continued to pack.

“You headed there tonight?”

“Nah, I’m going to try to get to sleep early. It’s a long drive home.”

“Remind me again why you aren’t flying?”

I didn’t have a real reason other than I hadn’t wanted to. I didn’t have a fear of flying, although I just didn’t have any desire to get to my parents’ house any sooner than necessary. “This way I get credit for coming a day earlier than I actually do and staying a day longer.”

“You think they’re keeping score?”

“Seriously? They’re always keeping tabs. Not just for me but everyone they’re acquainted with. They’re never in debt to anyone and people always owe them favors. It’s how my dad has so much leverage on everyone he comes in contact with. I remember when I was little, one of the maids had a fire in her apartment. My dad gave her money to help her get back on her feet, which she paid back with interest. Then anytime he needed her to stay late or work a weekend she wasn’t scheduled, he’d remind her of just how generous he’d been.”

I hated thinking about that kind of thing. I’d seen it my whole life, and it always felt wrong, although I didn’t have a way to express that then. As an adult, I simply avoided owing him anything.

He crossed his legs at the ankles and put his hands behind his head. “Have you told them about Cora?”

“What about her?” I discussed as little as possible about my personal life with my parents. They were on a need-to-know basis—and there was nothing they needed to know about Cora.

“That you’re not still together.”

“They’re aware she’s in Paris and think our decision to pursue our careers was mature.” I mocked my mother’s tone when she’d made the proclamation herself.

“Susan Carpenter. Always finding the bright side to every dull piece of tin.”

I just rolled my eyes and zipped my suitcase. “Especially when that tin is a Chase. They don’t care if we’re in love as long as we’re well connected.”

“You think that’s what this weekend is about? Them furthering your connections?”

“There’s an agenda…I’m just not privy to what it is yet. But rest assured, I’ll know within an hour of my arrival. And hopefully, I won’t be getting back in the car to return to New York without a decent night’s sleep and breakfast in the morning. I pray to God my dad can keep his mouth shut so we can make it through the party. Anything after that is icing on the cake.”

“Good luck, man. I don’t see you surviving past dinner tomorrow night. I’ll be rooting for you and hope whatever he has up his sleeve benefits us. I’m not ashamed of taking handouts.”

“Be careful…sometimes the hand that feeds you slaps you in the face.”


“I’m about to blow my top, James.” Cora had been ranting for thirty minutes, although I’d yet to figure out what she was pissed about. “Ugh, insufferable, I swear. Maybe it’s just this place.”

“So come home.” I used any opening, anytime, to get her back stateside. I didn’t care what the reason was or who sent her in my direction, as long as she came.

“Ten more months.”

“You could be on a plane tomorrow if you wanted to,” I spoke into the air as I drove down the interstate heading back to Geneva Key.

“Well, that wouldn’t do me any good. Where would I go? Hang out in the terminals?”

“Have you ever wondered if people do that? Like just spend days wandering around the airport? It would be a safe place for homeless people to go. Why don’t people do that?” I’d drifted off topic, only realizing it when Cora laughed on the other end. It was the first bit of humor I’d heard from her since she called.

“Squirrel much?” She referred to the rabbit trail I’d wandered off on with that diatribe.

“If you’re coming home, I’ll turn around now.” And I would. No questions asked. My parents could kiss off. If it came to a choice between them and Cora, that was a no-brainer.

“I’m surprised you’re going home.”

“It’s my dad’s fiftieth birthday.”

“So your mom insisted?” The giggle she let out, correct in her assumption, elated me.

“Basically. My father wants to discuss business as well, but that’s not until after the party. Lucky me.”

Stephie Walls's Books