To Die but Once (Maisie Dobbs #14)(73)
Sally Coombes stood in the doorway to the kitchen, drying her hands on a tea towel. “Oh, hello—come in. I’ve just put the kettle on.”
“What time does Vivian start work in the morning?” asked Maisie, taking the seat proffered by Phil Coombes.
“Half past eight, as a rule.” He sat down opposite Maisie. “Sometimes it’s earlier. Usually, though, when the women finish their day, the men telephonists come on for the night shift. She’s a clever girl—top marks in her civil service exams.”
Maisie engaged Phil in small talk about Vivian’s prospects, until Sally had placed cups of tea on the table and taken a seat. She paused, stirring her tea and taking a sip before speaking again.
“I want to go back over Joe’s apprenticeship, if I may. How did he find out about the job at Yates? Wasn’t it someone you knew who put in a word for him?”
Phil Coombes glanced at his wife, then at his hands as he answered. “It was through Archie, who found out from his mate, Teddy Wickham.”
“And how did Teddy know about the opening?”
“Can’t say as I remember now—but must’ve been through someone he knew who does business with Yates. Or a relative. Teddy was looking out for Joe, and thought it would be a good start for him, to learn the trade—like I said before. Being in a trade sets you up, and he did well to get in at Yates.” He drummed his fingers on the table.
“Right, yes, I know you wanted him to become a skilled craftsman. Are you sure you can’t recall who gave Teddy the tip-off?”
Coombes shook his head and turned to his wife. “Sal—can you remember?”
Sally Coombes shook her head. “Can’t say as I do.”
Maisie continued. “I remember you saying that Joe had changed—when do you think that started?”
Coombes looked at his wife again, as if her face would jog his memory. She raised her eyebrows and sighed.
“I reckon it was after he’d been put on this new job a month or so. Before the headaches, if I’m remembering rightly,” said Sally.
“Nah, the headaches came before. Don’t you remember me saying, ‘Joe’s been very quiet when he gets on the blower.’” He looked at Billy, as if the father of sons would understand. “Then when he came home one Saturday afternoon, he didn’t want to go out much. Said it was being in the country—made him not like all the noise out there.”
“And what about his wish to give up his job because he wanted to work on a farm?”
Coombes rolled his eyes. “Oh that business. Might’ve known that would come up. Joe had this idea he wanted to be a farmer. Said he’d been offered an apprenticeship by a local bloke with a farm. All on the up and up, it was supposed to be.” He stared at Maisie. “Give up a good job to be planting turnips? The boy was off his rocker.”
“By all accounts he loved the country,” said Maisie. “You said so yourself when we first spoke.”
“No, I told him he had to stay with Yates. You don’t give up a good job.” Phil Coombes looked at the clock, and pushed back his chair. “Getting on for opening time.”
“Just another minute or two, Mr. Coombes—it’s important,” said Maisie. She cast her gaze from Coombes to his wife. “What would really have been the consequence of Joe leaving his job at Yates?”
“I don’t know what you mean. Mind you, there’s always a consequence of giving up work. Joe remembered how it was when he was younger—grown men on the streets begging for money to keep their families fed. Lining up for work, time and again—saw it myself, and we vowed that was not going to happen to our boys.” Sally Coombes looked at her husband.
“And I knew the consequence of going into the army,” added Coombes. “I saw enough myself in the last war. You did as well.” He brought his attention to Billy, then Maisie. “There’s consequences your mum and dad know about that you don’t, when you’re still wet behind the ears. And Sally and me, we knew it was our job to steer our children on the right path. Ours learned how to put in a day’s work, and they knew they weren’t going to fight any wars, not if I had anything to do with it. Joe’s job was reserved, and so was Archie’s. Vivian wouldn’t be in uniform either.”
Maisie nodded, as Coombes took account of the hour again, shifting in his chair as if to render it obvious he was checking the clock. “One minute, then we’ll let you get on, Phil. Do you know how Mike Yates managed to obtain the contract for painting aerodromes? And have you any idea about the source of the paint Joe’s crew were using?”
“How would I know?” said Phil Coombes.
Maisie came to her feet. Billy followed her lead. “I wondered about it, that’s all.” Again she turned from Phil to Sally Coombes. “You see, if my son were being killed by a certain substance, I would want to know exactly where it came from.” She turned to leave.
“Now, Miss Dobbs, I know he wasn’t feeling well, but—”
“The paint was toxic,” said Maisie. “It was poisoning his blood and affecting his brain. Joe knew it—and he knew, if only by instinct, that he had to get away from it. And the only person who truly listened to him was a farmer, a man who had lost his son in the last war.”
As they reached the door, Maisie turned back. “I’m sorry to be so blunt, but that is the way it stands. I am trying to find out who killed Joe, and I have to do all I can to turn not only stones, to see what lies underneath, but in this case I have to move boulders. The truth can hide in some very troubling places, Mr. Coombes, and you asked me to find out the truth.”