The Wild Heir(111)


Every book is a completely new experience.

With the character of Magnus, I had an idea of where I wanted him and the book to go.

I had no idea where he would take ME.

You see, after his appearance as the fun-loving, cocky thrill-seeker in The Swedish Prince, I knew he was a man who was both a playboy and an “adrenaline junkie.”

When I started to write The Wild Heir and uncover his character (I don’t build their character, rather I always see my characters as already existing and slowly revealing themselves to me - I liken myself to a palaeontologist, digging up the bones of the story, but I digress), I had to figure out WHY Magnus was attracted to things like BASE jumping (because seriously…Google that stuff at Kjerag, it’s insane).

After exploring different personalities and the roots and causes of those, I found out that people with ADHD were more likely to seek out adrenaline-based situations.

So I said to myself, great. He’ll have ADHD and probably not even know it. As someone who comes from a family of mental disorders, and having anxiety myself, I knew that a hero with this quality should be celebrated more.

LITTLE DID I KNOW that while researching the hell out of ADHD, I discovered that I actually have it. After scoring nearly 100% on test after test, I decided I had to look into it and I was eventually diagnosed with it.

Like Magnus, I had no idea I had it but once I learned that I have this “disorder” everything made perfect sense.

It was eye-opening.

It was a relief to be able to finally put a name to why I am the way I am, why I act and think the way I do.

The condition is not at all what I thought it was, which is why it never occurred to me that I might have it (for example, I am not hyperactive in the least…but I am hypersensitive and I have an overactive brain), but now that I know…honestly, I have never been happier.

Yes there are many different routes for treatment but as it is for me right now, I don’t necessarily need to change. I just need to learn how to handle myself and certain situations (and, like Magnus, cut myself some slack).

I thought twice about admitting this publicly and in this book but I wanted readers to know that I’m not some author making shit up on the fly, I’m not someone using this for gains - Magnus’s experiences are MY experiences, his brain is my brain (and while you’ll never catch me skydiving, I DO write everything under deadline panic and listening to heart-thumping Hans Zimmer soundtracks because the adrenaline helps me focus).

Mainly I’m admitting this because this book releases in May and May is Mental Health Month and I just want to point out that ADHD or anxiety or depression or any mental issues are NOTHING to be ashamed of and you can live a healthy and productive life with it.

I mean, who knew that someone who can’t even remember to pay taxes or mail books, or failed math class repeatedly, could also write over 45 books in seven years and hold down a somewhat successful career as an author?

My point is, don’t let the stigma of mental illness scare you from being open about it because the more we have dialogue, the less alone we feel.

AND don’t let the preconceived notions about mental illness cause you to make snap judgements about people who are affected by it. Be open-minded and compassionate when it comes to this…when it comes to everything, really.

Be bold, be fierce. Love with a Viking heart!


I’ll keep this short because lord knows I’ve babbled on enough at this point.

Thank to my beta readers, Sarah Sentz, Sarah Symonds, Nina Decker, Pavlina Michou, Heather Pollock, Renery Gatpayat. You guys rock!!!

Elsi Gabrielsen for being my Norwegian eyes…let it go and tusen takk!

Always love to Sandra Cortez, Ali Hymer, Tarryn Fisher.

Hang Le, you’re the (does that make sense?) Without you my books are only half as good - thank you for your tireless work (with me) and on the covers!

Nina Grinstead and Chanpreet Singh, you make my world go round.

Kara Malinczak for your enthusiasm and support.

Roxane Leblanc for going above and beyond.

Of course, I have to thank all my family in Norway because without you I wouldn’t have my own Viking heart. To my father Sven Halle, this is especially for you!

Last but never last (or least) in reality, my husband Scott for putting up with me all these years. And our dog, Bruce too, but he’s the same brand of crazy as I am.

And if I’m missing anyone else, I’ll just blame my ADD :D




My eyes went round, and I came to an abrupt stop in her doorway.

“Are you sure that’s what you want to wear?” Sweeping a hand through the long pieces of my damp hair, I gave it my all to keep the panic out of my voice.

Honestly wasn’t sure if I wanted to bust out laughing or drop to my knees and cry.

Such was my life.

We were already ten minutes late, and there she was on her bedroom floor, wearing a hot pink tutu over a bathing suit.

“Uh-huh. We gots to look so pretty for dance. Annie said all the best dancers wear leg warmies, and her mama bought her all the pretty colors. Like a rainbow,” she rambled as she tugged on the black high-top Converse she’d talked me into at the mall last weekend.

Karina Halle's Books