The Rogue Queen (The Hundredth Queen #3)(90)
Fellow warrior book lovers: Krysti Meyer, Sarah Cleverley, Beth Edwards, Benjamin Alderson, Jaime Arnold, Gabrielle Saunders, and Rachel Piper.
Michael Bacera, for picking up the phone and answering my weird questions.
Jessica Springer, for cheering me on. Got that book written yet? (A promise is a promise.)
My parents, Debby and Keith, for teaching me how to dream big and for cheering me on as I do. Eve and Chris, for your sensitivity for all things cultural. Sarah and Stacey, for GIF texts and political rants.
Joseph, Julian, Danielle, and Ryan, for tolerating a year of go, go, go. You are the most amazing kids. You must be. Otherwise I would still be drafting.
John, my best friend and sweetheart. You step into my shoes and never complain when I ask for five more minutes to finish the sentence I’m on. Someday that may be true . . .
My readers, for your e-mails, tweets, and instant messages. Your kind words bring me joy. And to every other reader who took time out of their busy life to read my words. You’re pretty awesome.
Lastly, but most importantly, my father in heaven. Three whispered words on a night when I felt hopelessly lost gave me direction for years to come. Thank you for the inspiration and fortitude to see this through.