The Queen's Poisoner (Kingfountain, #1)(94)

Last but certainly not least, I was inspired for this book by E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web. I’d often thought it very moving and inspiring how Wilbur and Charlotte became so close.

I’ve never written a book from the perspective of a young boy. I based the character of Owen on my youngest son. Many of his antics and traits were leveraged for Owen, including his penchant for reading at a young age and knocking down tiles. And yes, he does have a streak of white in his hair.

In the second book of the Kingfountain Trilogy, you will find that seven years have passed and the world has changed. I hope you continue to enjoy Owen’s and Elysabeth Victoria Mortimer’s adventures in The Thief’s Daughter.


I told a few people about this story before actually sitting down to write it. One was my daughter Isabelle, and I could see by the look in her eyes that she thought it was special. So thanks, Isabelle, for listening to my brainstorms and talking through them with me. I’d also like to extend my gratitude and thanks to the folks at 47North for their amazing partnership and support. And to my loyal cohort of early readers for their input, enthusiasm, and encouragement, I offer my continued thanks (and freebies!): Gina, Emily, Karen, Robin, Shannon, and Sunil.

And also to my fantastic editors—Jason Kirk and Angela Polidoro—whose early input and direction helped a palsied crew quit trembling!

Jeff Wheeler's Books