The Perfect Lie (Hope Falls Universe)(23)

She kept her face blank, careful not to let him see how close to the mark he'd hit. "Any reason why you're asking questions that are none of your business?"

He sighed. "This is going to be one of those long boring plane rides I'm guessing..."

She nodded in agreement. "Hope those papers are fascinating," she said before she turned back to her phone and read through her mother's emails. The wedding was so rushed, there had to be something she was missing. Since the evidence of the prenup was sitting right next to her, she had to assume Isobel wasn't marrying Stranger for money. But Jennifer could be sure of one thing.

Isobel would never marry for love.

The passengers continued to shuffle into the plane and Jennifer set her phone down as she rested her head back against the headrest. Soon enough she'd be with her mother and finally able to ask her all the questions that had been tossing around in her mind.

She was just about to doze off when the plane shook underneath her, signaling take off. Her eyes popped open and she looked out the window as the plane lifted away from the ground and the skyscrapers suddenly became smaller. She moved her forehead closer to the glass of the window as she took in the view until they were moving over the water and away from the city.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the lawyer starring and she gave him a quick glare. "Can I help you?"

He held up his hands. "No. Just shocked that there's one New Yorker that isn't too jaded to enjoy flying."

"I'm not a New Yorker," she said, before realizing that was a piece of personal information he didn't need to know. "Flying is a miracle. It deserves to be appreciated and not taken for granted."

The lawyer raised a skeptical brow. "It's not a miracle. It's science and physics."

"Sometimes science and magic are one and the same."

She expected him to fight with her about it, but instead one corner of his mouth went up to form a crooked grin. "I like you Jennifer Murray. I think this is going to be a fun flight."

She scoffed at the bold statement. "Speak for yourself."

"Oh no. I'm speaking for the both of us. I think you're going to enjoy the hell out of yourself."

"Cockyness isn't attractive in a man."

"Cocky is sexy as hell in a man. And don't worry. I have enough to spare."

Jennifer opened her mouth to respond, but for the first time in a long time she found herself speechless. Luckily the flight attendant chose that moment to stop by and ask if they'd like any drinks. Jennifer ordered a red wine while the man next to her ordered a Jack on the rocks. Not the fanciest whiskey, but since he was filling in for Luther, he might not be used to flying first class.

Jennifer still remembered the first time her mother had gotten them upgraded to the premium cabin. The air of wonder combined with the knowledge that she didn't belong. If this truly was the lawyer's first time in first class, he wasn't anything like she was on that flight so long ago.

"So have you ever done a wedding like this?" she asked.

"I've been to my fair share of high class functions."

Jennifer wondered if he knew he wasn't giving her an answer or not. She let it go though. "They're exhausting. It's one event after another. I have three checked bags full of outfit changes and I get to navigate through a sea of important people who all need to like me and I don't know any of them. And if you want to make a good name for your firm, you better brush up on your small talk and get ready to bash some democrats. They love that."

"I thought politics were off limits."

"That's for polite conversation. If you want someone to like you, you only talk political views the other person agrees with."

"So what do I say to make you like me?"

Jennifer couldn't help the honest laugh that escaped her. There was something so strange about being with someone who spoke his mind like Austin. She was so used double meanings and hidden agenda. Was this truly just a lower member of a law firm who happened to be horney?

Considering how attractive he was, maybe this would be the perfect distraction. An honest lawyer was exactly what she needed...

Mallory Crowe's Books