The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter (Riyria Chronicles #4)(107)

“Fine, fine. No problem. This will be easy.”

“It will?” Hadrian asked.

“Absolutely,” the duchess replied. “Villar? How would it be if these nice gentlemen and I got into the cell and you locked us in. That way, you’re free and no one can harm you.”

“What’s to stop him from—” Royce started.

“Shut up!” Genny shouted. “Whoever you are, please just be quiet.”

“His name’s Royce, and I’m Hadrian Blackwater.”

“How nice. Now Royce, Hadrian, please shut up and let me handle this, will you?” She forced a smile. “The two of you will keep your weapons—that way, you won’t be at Villar’s mercy. Locked in a room, sure, but safely locked in a room.”

“That’s not a very—” Royce began.

“Shush, I don’t want to hear arguments or counterproposals. We have a deal on the table. Will you agree?”

Royce looked at the door, huffed, then said, “Fine.”


“Yeah, sure, why not.”

“Villar? You want to live, and so do I. This is a fair trade, a better-than-equitable exchange. My life for yours. Will you take it?”

Villar didn’t reply.

“Lower the knife and let me move back while these two enter the cell. Then I’ll get in. You can lock the door and just walk out.”

He still didn’t answer, but slowly, the knife moved away from Genny’s throat. She waved for Royce and Hadrian to enter the cell. “Gentlemen, if you please?”

Royce looked disgusted but stepped in. Hadrian went so far as to sheath his swords before entering. Then Genny Winter followed the two of them. Villar shoved her forward into the room, slammed the door shut, and turned the key that he’d left in the lock.

The moment the door sealed, Genny threw her arms around Hadrian and kissed him. “I love you!”

After the embrace, she started toward Royce, whose dagger was still out.

Hadrian pulled her back. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Royce isn’t much of a hugger.”

“Well, gentlemen, you have my eternal gratitude, but who in Maribor’s name are you? And what are you doing here?”

“Your father sent us to rescue you,” Hadrian said.

“He hired us to discover what happened to you,” Royce corrected as he moved to the door. He knelt before the latch.

“And you did both! You’re my heroes. I’ll knight you, or make you earls or something.”

Hadrian smiled at her. “I think only kings can do that.”

“Kings!” the woman burst out. “Leo! I need to find my husband. I need to show the bishop I’m still alive so Leo can be crowned king.”

“Should have thought of that before locking us in a stone room,” Hadrian said.

“I did,” Genny replied. She pointed at Royce, who had just managed to pop the lock and open the door.

Royce immediately raced out like a dog released from a cage after being teased by an arrogant squirrel.

“You knew he could pick locks?” Hadrian asked the duchess.

“I knew he wasn’t the type to allow himself to be confined in a cell unless he was positive he could get out. Business is like a card game: You have to judge people quickly and play the odds.”

Hadrian looked out the open door. Royce was already so far away they could no longer hear him. At that moment, the only sound came from the breeze and birds.

“Look, I have to help Royce find Villar,” Hadrian said. “You need to stay here. Safest place, really. I know you want to go down to the feast, but right now that’s not such a good idea. We’ll be back after we find Villar. Then we’ll escort you back to town.”

“And if you don’t return, shall I stay here and starve? Or should I wander through the wilderness until I die of exposure?”

“Look, we will be back, I promise. But if it makes you feel better, town is straight that way.” He pointed at the door. “Just keep heading down the hill, and you’ll run right into Rochelle. Just don’t go until we get back.”

“Why not?”

“It could be dangerous.”

The duchess scoffed. “I’m not some fragile debutante. I’m sure I can manage a hike downhill to town.”

Hadrian glanced outside. I’m never going to catch up with Royce now. I didn’t even see which way he went. “Look, I’m wasting valuable time. You just have to trust me on this. If we can’t find Villar, if he gets away, there’s a chance he might create a monster and attack the feast.”

Genny Winter blinked.

Hadrian saw the confusion on her face. “It’s called a golem, a monster made of stone.” The explanation sounded absurd even to him. “Villar made one before. If he does it again, he’ll slaughter everyone at the feast. So you don’t want to go there, understand?”

Her hand went to her mouth. “Leo!” she whispered, and her eyes darted toward the door.

“Look, I know you’re worried, but there’s nothing you can do. Truly, you need to stay here. Don’t leave. Keep yourself safe.”

With that, he ran out in pursuit of Villar and Royce.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Michael J. Sullivan's Books