The Dirty Book Club(82)
Thank you to my friends who remember who I am when I emerge from the cone of silence, the ones I will guilt into buying this novel whether they want to read it or not.
And a massive special thanks to my sons, Luke and Jesse Harrison. Every day after school they’d greet me by asking how many pages I wrote. And even on those dry days when I managed only a paragraph, they’d hug me and say they were proud. One afternoon we were driving along the Coast Highway and the sun was beating on the Pacific Ocean. I asked Luke to describe it. He said it looked like “raining diamonds.” I stole that line and gave it to M.J. Luke, I owe you a bag of gummies.
I’d also like to thank my eyes. Five minutes before I sat down to write the acknowledgments I accidentally spritzed hair spray on my face instead of rosewater face mist. They’re still burning, but my vision has been restored. And my lashes? They have a firm new hold that will not be stirred by today’s high-wind advisory. So out into the world we go . . . finally!