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Equally, my editor at The Borough Press, Suzie Dooré, was – as always – fantastic, combining incisive feedback and razor-sharp editorial talent with tact, humour and across-the-board excellence, and I also owe enormous thanks to Jessica Williams at William Morrow. Between them, they transformed The Betrayals. It’s never easy to admit that 60,000 words of your precious second draft won’t be missed, but I have to concede that they were right.

There are so many other people who have contributed to The Betrayals at The Borough Press, William Morrow, and HarperCollins (on both sides of the Atlantic) that if I tried to thank them all individually I’d run out not only of space but of adjectives. It’s a delight and a privilege to be surrounded by people who are so talented, generous and passionate – thank you all. Massive thanks are also due to everyone at United Agents, and Eleanor Jackson at Dunow, Carlson and Lerner.

And, of course, I should mention my lovely friends and family, who supported, indulged and motivated me. Again, there are too many of you to list (although Nick should get an honourable mention for having to put up with me all the time). The Betrayals is in part a book about the joy we find in our playmates, in moments of shared humour or creativity, in seeing and being seen; I’m grateful to (and for) everyone who has helped me encounter that, whether they knew it or not. Thank you.

About the Author

Bridget Collins trained as an actor at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art after reading English at King’s College, Cambridge. She is the author of seven acclaimed books for young adults and has had two plays produced, one at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The Binding, her first adult novel, was a No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller.

Bridget Collins's Books