Take Your Time (Boston Love #4)(63)

“Thanks a lot, guys.” I shake my head. “For the record, you’re all nuts. I’m just as cynical and heartless as I was when you first met me.”

“Riiiiight,” Shelby murmurs doubtfully.

“We totally believe you,” Chrissy adds.

“One hundred percent.” Gemma nods. “Even if you stopped speed-dating half of Boston’s single population in favor of more… exclusive pursuits…”

“Guys!” Phoebe snaps. “What did I say?! Leave Lila alone about this, you’ll freak her out.” She glances at me. “Look at her face! Do you see what you did? She’s freaking.”

“I’m not freaking!”

“She’s freaking,” Gemma murmurs.

“Totally,” Chrissy confirms.

“My bad.” Shelby shrugs.

My heart is starting to pound. “Listen, I don’t know what Phoebe told you—”

“Nothing!” she exclaims. “I told them nothing.”

“—but I’m not dating anyone. Certainly not exclusively.” I suck down a fortifying sip of champagne.

“So you and Blaze aren’t banging each other’s brains out yet?” Shelby asks point blank.

I choke on my champagne. Coughing to clear my throat, I wipe tears from my eyes and glare at her.

“What? Don’t look at me like that.” Shelby glances around at the others. “Oh, come on, it’s not like I can possibly be the only one who’s noticed those two staring longingly at each other over the past few months.”

“Shelby, I don’t know where you ever got such a crazy idea, but I can confirm that I have never and will never bang Luca Buchanan’s brains out! Ever! Is that clear enough for you?”

In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have said a thing. Or simply chosen to say what I said in a softer decibel. Or turned around to check who was coming up the spiral walkway directly behind me, at the exact moment I made my proclamation.

Because, it’s not Shelby’s voice that rings out to answer my question.

It’s Luca’s.

“Loud and clear, babe. Thanks for the public bulletin.”

Crap on a corn tortilla.

Phoebe wasn’t trying to make things worse. I know that, deep down. Still, I’m having a hard time forgiving her for concealing the fact that Nate’s fourth groomsman was not, in fact, a distant cousin from out of town but actually Luca.

“How could you not tell me?” I hiss at her under my breath.

“Maybe because I knew you’d react like this!” she hisses back. “Can you be mad at me later? I’m about to get fake-married, and if I fall into the tank in my favorite Louboutins I’m going to be really pissed at you for distracting me.”

Realizing she has a valid point — um, hello, we’re talking about Louboutins, here — I bite down on my cheek and turn to greet the boys as they approach. First in line is the groom, Nate, with his dark hair and even darker eyes that scan our group, taking in every detail with professional-grade scrutiny from his years working private security. Then Chase, his best man, sandy haired and smiling as his bright green eyes cut straight to Gemma and her baby bump. The Knox Investigations groomsmen bring up the rear — Theo, whose dark good looks, deep emerald eyes, and caramel colored skin are so attractive they should make him wear a hood to prevent traffic accidents, and Owen, a well-built blond with a buzz cut and crystal blue eyes.

Luca is the last to reach us, looking stunningly handsome in dress slacks and a button down. It’s the most formal outfit I’ve ever seen him wearing — much more along the lines of my standard corporate dreamboat’s daily attire — and I’m bewildered to discover I don’t like it on him half so much as his regular look.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s absolutely gorgeous… he just doesn’t look like the Luca I’ve come to know and lo—


I cut that train of thought off before it can gain any traction and turn my attention to Theo and Owen, waggling my fingers in a playful wave. They both grin back at me.

My heart seizes inside my chest as I watch Chase kissing Gemma hello, his hand resting softly on her rounded stomach. The sensation intensifies when I see Nate leaning down to whisper something in Phoebe’s ear that summons a laugh from her throat. The love between these two couples shines so brightly, I feel like an intruder even standing this close to them. As though I’m infringing on something so pure, just my presence will taint it.

When I glance away, I make the mistake of looking a fraction too far to the left… and am instantly trapped by two light blue irises, glaring out at me from a chiseled face. Luca looks just as furious as the last time I saw him, less than twenty-four hours ago on my doorstep after the best kiss of my entire life. Maybe more so.

I squirm, wishing I were invisible as he watches me in total silence. I can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t look away from him, even as I hear the conversations around us falling off one by one as everyone turns to watch our silent showdown. The tension between us is so thick, the air practically sizzles with it.

“Oh, yeah, this isn’t going to be awkward at all,” Shelby murmurs dryly.

Embarrassed, I blink and drop my eyes to my feet, in a vain attempt to hide my flushed cheeks. Phoebe saves me by changing the subject.

Julie Johnson's Books