Take Your Time (Boston Love #4)(52)

He doesn’t push me. Not yet. But I know he will one day, at exactly the right moment, when my defenses are down and I’m least expecting it. He’ll look at me with those eyes that cut through all the bullshit, straight to my soul, and he’ll ask about her…

And I’ll answer, even if I don’t intend to. Because Luca Buchanan knows the value of words. He times them to perfection and never wastes them on anything irrelevant. It’s an impressive quality, albeit a worrisome one; it does not bode well for my ability to keep anything secret from the man.

I stare at Harry and Potter, feeling my lips tug up as I listen to their joyous giggles echoing across the park. It’s almost the summer solstice, still light despite the fact that it’s well past six in the evening. We should head back home soon, but they look so happy on the swings I decide to give them a few more minutes.

When the silence starts to feel heavy, I clear my throat.

“Do you have siblings?”

“No.” Luca glances at me. “Not as far as I know, anyway. My parents weren’t exactly in the picture.”

“Oh,” I murmur softly.

“I shared a few foster homes with different kids, over the years, but those placements never lasted too long. Closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister is Zoe, and she’s gone now.”

My heart aches for him. I never really considered the fact that when Parker West swept into town and simultaneously swept Zoe Bloom off her feet, taking her away from Boston in favor of adventure on the high seas, she left Luca behind without anyone else to call family.

Is he lonely? I wonder suddenly. Can a man like Luca, who has the whole world at his fingertips — money, women, fame — ever truly be alone?

I don’t have to look far to know the answer to that question. I may’ve been raised in the lap of luxury, but I’ve always felt like an outsider with my own flesh and blood. Mimi was the only one who ever understood me, and she’s long gone.

“I’m sorry you lost her,” I tell him, meaning it.

“Don’t be. I’m not. She literally sailed off into the sunset with the guy of her dreams. Me wishing she was here would be the same as me wishing she didn’t get her happy ending.”

“That’s assuming there’s only one path to a happy ending.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Aren’t you the one who assured me there’s more than one way to find your bliss, that there are plenty of different routes to reach the same destination, that no one cares how you run the race, only that you cross the finish line, yada yada yada?”

His face twists in amusement.

“What?” I ask, defensive.

“Wasn’t aware you were listening.”

“I always listen.” I pause. “I might not always agree with your bossy, macho-man antics, but I always listen.”

“I’m not bossy.”

“Riiiight, and I’m not about to be evicted.” I shake my head. “Didn’t realize you were also a card carrying member of the Living In Denial Club. Meetings are every Wednesday, followed by light refreshments.”

He grins at me, a flash of white teeth and dimples, and the sight makes me feel a bit light-headed. “You’re funny. Didn’t know that about you.”

“Humor is one of my chief attributes,” I say, slightly offended that he hadn’t noticed.

“Sass, maybe. Knew you were sassy from the first minute we met. But funny is a different story.” His eyes are warm on mine. “Learning all kinds of new shit about you today.”

My brows go up. “Such as?”

“For starters, there’s a whole lot of substance beneath all that style you’re constantly flashing around.”

I open my mouth to object but he cuts me off.

“Then there’s the fact that you’re incredibly stubborn, seeing as you need help more than anyone I’ve ever met, but continually refuse to ask for it.”

“That’s not—”

“You’re a bit of a mess, but you’ll never admit it.”

“I don’t think—”

“Plus, you’re a great fuckin’ kisser, with the softest hair I’ve ever run my fingers through and a mouth I could stare at all damn day, when it’s not spouting bullshit at me.” He pauses, voice going low. “I take it back. Gotta admit, kinda like your bullshit, babe.”

“You are the most—”

“And that’s not even taking into account that you’ve got a cute dog and want kids and can make me laugh.” He grins at me again, the bastard, but his eyes are deadly serious. “Gotta admit, when you add it all up, it paints a pretty nice picture, Delilah.”


“He’s not even technically my dog! And who says I want kids?” I snap, latching onto an issue at random.

“You want kids.”

“Oh? You’re psychic now?”

“You love those twins.”

“Love?” I shake my head. “Like I said before, the twins are fine. I guess. If you like kids, that is. Which, I’m not even admitting I do.” I pause. “I mean, if I could guarantee that someday I’d pop out two just like those…” I nod toward Potter and Harry. “If I knew they were going to be that cute… maybe it would be a conversation.”

Julie Johnson's Books