Spy Games (Tarnished Heroes #1)(94)

“I…but I thought this was over,” Sarah said.

Rand pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“For you, it is,” Carol said.

“I don’t understand,” Sarah said.

“We’re getting fired,” Rand said.

“You could still go back into the field,” Hector said.

“Someone has to watch Sarah’s back.” Rand stroked her side, his arms tightening around her.

“Reservation under the name of Jennifer Martin. There are documents for her. Rand, if this is what you’re doing, you’re on your own, you realize that?”

“I do.”

“Fine. I suggest you find a place to disappear for a while.” Hector pulled the SUV into the parking lot of a rental car company then killed the engine. “I’ll miss working with you.”

“Likewise.” Rand shook Hector’s hand, then got out and opened Sarah’s door.

She felt like she was ten steps behind everyone else. Rand took her hand and led her into the rental building. She was out of place in her borrowed sweats and canvas shoes. Nothing really fit, and she needed a shower badly.

Rand picked up their car reservation and guided her back out to the lot and into a nondescript sedan. Neither of them spoke until he was behind the wheel and on the road. Even then, it took her brain several miles to rev up to actual thoughts.

“What are we going to do, Rand?” This was her life, not a movie.

“We’re going to meet up with your family at the lake, then take it from there. One day at a time.”

“No, what does this mean?” Her voice rose in pitch. It was all too much.

Rand parked in a gas station, then pulled her into his arms.

“What’s going to happen to us? What happened to my family?”

“They’re fine. They’re at the lake house.”

“What?” Sarah sat back, blinking at Rand. “They aren’t dead?”

“What? No.”

“I thought—I saw a flash, and then nothing.”

“Were you watching the feed?”


“Oh, well, we had a slight accident and destroyed their cameras. Your family is perfectly safe.”

“Thank God.” Sarah slumped in her seat.

“This is all happening fast, I know, and I’m sorry. Just hang with me, okay? We’re going to be okay.”

“What’s happening, Rand? I’m…lost.”

“Charlie burned you, likely for a fat payday, but it sounds like Charlie isn’t the only mole. The company is protecting their ass by cutting us loose, but only until they do damage control. We’re going to the lake house so you can reassure your family, then…I don’t know. Neither of us can risk going back to Asia any time soon.”

Sarah nodded. She’d assumed as much. “I’m just glad you’re alive.” She squeezed Rand’s hand and eased back into the seat.

“Me, too. Looks like you’re stuck with me for a while.”

Sarah’s stomach flip-flopped. She wasn’t sure she could withstand much longer in Rand’s presence. Not like this. He was more of a danger to her than Wei or Charlie ever were.

“Rand, a word?”

Rand had barely set foot past the door. He was weighed down with the responsibility of the unknown and his tank was bone-dry. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around Sarah and take comfort in the fact that she was alive and they were, for now, safe.

Matt nodded toward the back of the house.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins sat poised at the kitchen table with Emily and the baby, cups of coffee on hand.

Damn, that coffee looked good. “Sure, man,” Rand said.

There were so many things to nail down, where they were going, how long they’d need to play it safe. In time, he had no doubt that Hector, Irene, and Mitch would ferret out who was behind Charlie’s death, but until then Rand’s number one job was keeping Sarah close and safe. She might not know it, but being fired was likely the key to their futures. Killing them now would only encourage more investigation. Letting them go was likely the only way to keep them breathing and ready in the wings. It wouldn’t be the first time Rand had worked off under-the-table payments.

Matt led the way out through the back door and onto the porch.

The day was fading to night, most of it taken up with being arrested by the Coast Guard, then picked up by the company and waiting out Sarah’s release at the hospital.

“What the hell happened?” Matt crossed his arms over his chest.

“The less you know the better, but in short, we were fired.” Rand didn’t have to like it, but that was how it was going down.

“Okay, what do we tell the family?”

“I…don’t know, man.” Rand sighed. “A version of the truth?”

“What version is that?”

“I guess what we’re telling people is that…” Rand blew out a breath. “I worked for the government. Sarah’s job brought her in contact with me, and some bad guys thought they could get at me through Sarah. It’s a version that’ll hold water.”

“What comes next?” Matt faced Rand, every bit of him the protective older brother.

“That’s…what we have to figure out.”

Sidney Bristol's Books