Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Epic Reads Edition(28)
“This is the first time you’ve told anyone?” she says, after a moment.
I nod.
“Wow.” I hear her take a breath. “Simon, I’m really honored.”
I lean back and sigh and twist my body toward her. My seat belt feels tight. I tug my hand away from Abby’s to unlatch it. Then I give it back to her, and she laces her fingers through mine.
“Are you surprised?” I say.
“No.” She looks at me directly. Lit only by streetlights, Abby’s eyes are almost all pupil, edged thinly with brown.
“You knew?”
“No, not at all.”
“But you’re not surprised.”
“Do you want me to be surprised?” She looks nervous.
“I don’t know,” I say.
She squeezes my hand.
I wonder how it’s going for Blue. I wonder if Blue is feeling the same flutter in his stomach that I feel right now. Actually, he’s probably feeling more than a flutter. He’s probably so nauseated he can hardly choke the words out.
My Blue.
It’s weird. I almost think I did this for him.
“What are you going to do?” Abby asks. “Are you going to tell people?”
I pause. “I don’t know,” I say. I haven’t really thought about it. “I mean, eventually, yeah.”
“Okay, well, I love you,” she says.
She pokes me in the cheek. And then we go home.
FROM: [email protected] TO: [email protected] DATE: Dec 13 at 12:09 AM
SUBJECT: out and about
Jacques, I did it. I told her. I almost can’t believe it. I’m still feeling so wild and jittery and not myself. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
I think she took it well. She didn’t bring Jesus into it at all. She was pretty calm about the whole thing. Sometimes I forget that my mom can be very rational and analytical (she’s actually an epidemiologist). She seemed mostly concerned that I understand the importance of Practicing Safe Sex Every Time, Including Oral. No, I’m not kidding. She didn’t seem to believe me when I told her I’m not sexually active. So, I guess that’s flattering.
Anyway, I want to thank you. I didn’t tell you this before, Jacques, but you should really know that you’re the reason I was able to do this. I wasn’t sure I’d ever find the courage. It’s really kind of incredible. I feel like there’s a wall coming down, and I don’t know why, and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I just know you’re the reason for it. So, thanks for that.
FROM: [email protected] TO: [email protected] DATE: Dec 13 at 11:54 AM
SUBJECT: Re: out and about Blue,
Shut up. I’m so freaking proud of you. I would hug you right now if I could.
Wow, so between Ms. Every Time Including Oral and Mr. Let’s Read About Freaking Casanova, your parents are seriously invested in your sex life. Parents need to stop being so freaking awkward. I will say, though, you shouldn’t even be thinking about sex unless it’s with someone really, really awesome. Someone who is such a badass that the insane kids in his neighborhood don’t even THINK about peeing on his porch. Someone who has a little bit of a problem with fragmented sentences and accidental self-disclosures. Yup.
So, you inspired me, Blue. I had my own Coming Out Thing last night. Not to my parents. But I told one of my best friends, even though I wasn’t planning to, and it was awkward and weird and really kind of nice. I feel mostly relieved and a little embarrassed, because I feel like I made it into a bigger deal than it needed to be. It’s funny, though. A part of me feels like I jumped over some kind of border, and now I’m on the other side realizing I can’t cross back. I think it’s a good feeling, or at least an exciting feeling. But I’m not sure. Am I making any sense at all?
But all of this about the walls coming down? I think you’re giving me way too much credit. You’re the hero tonight, Blue. You brought your own wall down. Maybe mine, too.
FROM: [email protected] TO: [email protected] DATE: Dec 14 at 12:12 PM
SUBJECT: Re: out and about Jacques, I don’t even know what to say. I’m so proud of you, too. This is really momentous, isn’t it? I’m guessing this is the kind of thing we remember for the rest of our lives.
I know exactly what you mean about crossing the border. I think this is the kind of process that moves in one direction. Once you come out, you can’t really go back in. It’s a little bit terrifying, isn’t it? I know we’re so lucky we’re coming out now and not twenty years ago, but it’s still really a leap of faith. It’s easier than I thought it would be, but at the same time, it’s so much harder.
Don’t worry, Jacques. I only ever think about sex with people who hide from their eighth-grade girlfriends in bathrooms on Valentine’s Day, and eat tons of Oreos, and listen to weirdly depressing and wonderful music, but never wear band T-shirts.
I guess I have a very specific type.
(I’m not kidding.)
I don’t think I can keep this up. I don’t care if it ruins everything. I’m this close to making out with my laptop screen.