Real Fake Love (Copper Valley Fireballs #2)(54)

Because that’s exactly how long it feels like I’ve been living in Luca’s room.


Without any of this.

I know it’s for show. His Nonna is in town for a few more days at least, and it’s not outside the realm of possibility that she’d show up here too. Plus, I overheard her on the phone working on a plan to do some TikTok videos with the Fireballs, so Luca’s teammates need to think this is real.

And hoo boy, does this feel real.

This feels more real than being jilted five times.

And is that my clit demanding attention, or do I have a sudden growth in my vaginal region that I should have examined?

Probably my clit.

Luca gives good tongue.

And my clit knows it.

Is it wrong to wish this was something I need to see a gynecologist for? Because that could be cured with antibiotics, whereas whatever this is will definitely have much longer repercussions.

Luca Rossi is supposed to teach me how to not fall in love.

Not be so unexpectedly irresistible that I break every promise I’ve made to myself since my last—and final—attempted wedding.

“Get a room, Rossi,” someone shouts entirely too closely, and Luca stills, then slowly pulls out of the kiss.

“Hi,” he says, and poof.

There I go.

It’s one step, right over the cliffs of love, and I take it, and now I’m tumbling headfirst into smoky green eyes and a dimpled smile that says sorry, I had to do that because people were watching, but it wasn’t exactly a hardship, was it? and he has no idea how attractive it is for him be all grumpy about The Eye in private, yet also so attentive to the little things like making sure there’s an air conditioning unit installed in the guest room for Nonna, and ordering special soy milk for me in his normal grocery delivery when he notices I like the taste of it better in my tea, and putting the toilet seat down now.

He even bought an electric tea kettle to replace the rusty kettle that sits on the stove, even though I have yet to see him drink tea or coffee at home.

“Do you have any idea how sexy you looked leaping onto Glow like that?” he murmurs. “I fucking hate that firefly.”

I know he wouldn’t say the same in private, but I still can’t help hoping he would. “Fiery forever.”

He glances down, touches the Fiery Forever button proudly displayed on my left breast, and I should probably make an appointment with a doctor anyway, because a man looking at my boobs shouldn’t cause a mini-orgasm, should it?

Also, it is hot in here.

I know hot after living in his house for a couple weeks, and this place shouldn’t be hot, but I’m burning up from my toes to my nose.

“I ordered you a tomato juice,” I blurt.

Oh, god, the grin.

He’s giving me the grin.

“I’d be disappointed if you’d been less unpredictable.”

“If you want my Shirley Temple instead, I’ll drink the tomato juice. It’s like living in Confucius’s body, since Burrito always gets his blood and his tomato juice mixed up.”

“Burrito is an awful bartender.”


“The Bat Cave should fire him.”

“I know, but it wouldn’t be a Nora Dawn book if a bartender was good at his—wait. You’ve read my books?”

Now he’s blushing.

Luca Rossi blushing is not the parachute that I need for this long fall I’m on. I need something more than a parachute, because this cliff face that I’m next to is so rocky, I should be wrapped up with mattresses or bubble wrap or something.

“He won’t quit,” Cooper says. “I had to pry his phone out of his hands so he wouldn’t miss batting practice yesterday.”

“You did not.”

“Okay, I didn’t, but I did sit behind you and mouth all the words to Lopez and Stafford while you were reading that brown-chicken-chocolate-cow part.”

Francisco nods and wiggles his eyebrows.

The last man—Stafford, I gather—pulls a face. “I was with him until he started pantomiming what was going on, using the special magic meatball hat. After that—let’s just say I’d rather have a nightmare than watch Cooper demonstrate what happens in dirty books.”

“You were mocking my books?” I frown at Cooper. “I know what that means. It means you’re bummed Tillie Jean doesn’t write romance novels, because we all know you’d want to read them and get turned on by your sister.”

“Oh, snap,” Brooks says. “Rock, you got owned by Rossi’s girlfriend.”

Tillie Jean’s bent double and nearly falling out of her seat. Mackenzie’s laughing so hard every other breath comes out as a snort. Tanesha’s baby gives another horrified cry as he accidentally unlatches, but she gets him hooked back up and happy.

The entire table is rolling, and yeah, it feels good.

Except for the part where I was a total asshole to Cooper.

But he grins at me and holds out a fist. “Nice one, Ms. Dawn. I bow to the master.”

I bump. “Thank you.”

“Oh, no. Thank you. As Mackenzie’s reminded me numerous times, I’m basically a god. So it’s good to have someone who can balance my ego.”

Our drinks arrive. We order food, and then spend the next two hours joking and laughing, all while Luca keeps one arm wrapped around the back of my chair, and I tell myself that it’s for show, but my heart can’t help believing what it wants to believe.

Pippa Grant's Books