One Baby Daddy (Dating by Numbers #3)(7)

“Untouchable, huh?” Adalyn asks, patting Racer on the stomach and pulling away, headed toward the backyard. “When did that happen?”

“When a professional hockey player, who just so happens to be one of my best friends, decided to grace us with his presence, that’s when.”

“Afraid I’ll get caught up in all his muscles?” She’s at the threshold of the door, waiting for his answer.


Laughing, she steps out into the cool night air, heading straight for the fire pit.

When I make eye contact with Racer again, he shakes his head at me. “Off limits, man.”

I hold up my hands. “Sure, man, off limits.”

Chapter Three


The fire pops as I take a seat next to Emma and Tucker. Their hands are linked, their bodies pressed together. I couldn’t be happier for them.

Sort of.

I mean, I’m happy for them, I’m not a shitty friend.

But am I jealous?

Hell yeah, I’m jealous.

Have you seen Tucker? All broody and sexy and passionate about his girl. And I know he’s good in bed from Emma’s boasting, and when he’s with her, he’s overly protective. It’s sweet, and makes me think maybe I want something like that one day.

One day being the key word.

Right now, I’m still just trying to figure out life after college as a nurse. Hours are long and grueling in hospitals. Patients are moody or downright nasty, and then there is the occasional incredibly sick patient or surprise death. Having to live through the worst of moments with family members takes a toll on you. I’ve been told you become immune to it at some point, but I have yet to feel numb around death, around bad medical news. I’m still very much affected and wonder every day if I chose the right profession.

“Little Debbie snack?” Emma asks, offering up two different boxes. Racer and his freaking treats. He’s ridiculous.

“I’m good. Beer and sweets don’t mix well in my stomach.” I pat my belly just as Racer and Hayden join the circle on the opposite side from me.

Nudging my shoulder, Emma says, “Did you meet the hockey player? Tucker says he’s really good.”

At that moment, Tucker takes a second to lean forward and say, “Really good. His puck-handling skills are some of the best I’ve seen, and he just finished his rookie season. The guy has a huge future in front of him.”

“Oh, sounds like he’s an all-star. You should go talk to him.” Emma is practically bouncing up and down, beyond excited, poking my leg to get me moving.

“Stop being obvious.” I swat her hand away.

“You really should go talk to him.” Tucker nods with his head toward Hayden who’s intently talking to a drunk Racer.

“And say what? Heard you’re good at hockey, want to show me your stick?”

Emma nods. “That’s a great line.”

“It would get my attention,” Tucker adds.

“I’m not saying that.”

“Why not?” Emma asks as Racer gets up and makes his way to the house, taking Aaron with him as more of a support so he doesn’t fall over, leaving Hayden alone. “Oh, he’s free, go talk to him.”

Emma shoves me right off my seat and into the grass.

“What the fu—”

“Are you okay?” Hayden asks, moving to my side to help me up.

Glaring at a very happy Emma, I say, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Helping me up by the arm, Hayden towers over me, and I’m a little awed how the light of the fire flickers across his face.

“Tucker, will you help me get some more snacks? I’m hungry,” Emma loudly announces, probably pulling the attention of all surrounding neighbors.

“Wha—” Emma gives him a stern look and recognition lights up in Tucker’s eyes. “Oh, yeah, snacks. Boy, I could really use some more.” Rubbing his belly, he stands and takes Emma’s hand. Leaving me alone with Hayden.

That wasn’t obvious at all.

I could kill them.

Looking behind at the retreating couple, Hayden asks, “How long have they been together?”

“Seems like forever,” I sigh and take a seat on one of the logs surrounding the fire. Without invitation, Hayden joins me.

“I feel like we started off on the wrong foot.”

“Well, you were snooping.”

“Yeah.” He pulls on the back of his neck, and I take that moment to observe him.

Strong, thick thighs stretch the denim of his jeans. Pulsing, sinew-filled forearms, biceps like boulders straining the sleeves of his T-shirt, and a set of the broadest shoulders I’ve ever seen, making me feel incredibly small and fragile. His jawline is sharp, caressed in a light brown stubble. And his eyes, shades of brown and gold hooded by dark brown eyebrows and a thick head of styled hair. He’s rough and untamed with his scruff, but styled and sophisticated when it comes to his hair.

In fascination, I watch his large hand move back and forth along his neck. Does he have calluses on his hands from holding a hockey stick a good portion of his life? Does he enjoy the scrape of his fingers along his skin?

And his ears, they stick out barely more than others, giving him a boyish charm that warms my heart.

“I’m worried about him,” Hayden says, pulling me from my reverie. “His house used to be fully decorated, fully furnished, and he has all those overdue bills. I didn’t mean to snoop, I just . . . is he doing okay?”

Meghan Quinn's Books