No Earls Allowed (The Survivors #2)(88)

But Julia wasn’t Harriett. Or perhaps she’d learned from her sister. Or perhaps she just had too much to do to take the time to indulge her broken heart. She had workers on the roof to oversee, boys to feed, wages to pay, and the riffraff of Spitalfields to fend off.

Neil might have gone, but Billy had stayed. The tall, quiet boy still kept to himself, but once in a while, he would sit beside her. He might make a face when she tried to hug him, but he didn’t push her away. Billy and Robbie had declared a truce of sorts, and the two of them had worked with Walter to build a racetrack for Matthew, Mark, and Luke. All the children and Mrs. Dunwitty had gathered in the parlor to watch the rats race. Although Julia had firmly outlawed any wagering, she suspected a few of the boys had placed bets anyway.

“Robbie, I believe we are ready,” Julia said when all the boys had gathered around the track, jostling and nudging each other with excitement. The younger boys had climbed on chairs to see better, and Julia was pretending not to notice.

Robbie rubbed his hands together. “That’s it then, lads. Last chance to, er, find a seat.”

Julia wanted to roll her eyes. She really would have to lecture the children on the evils of gambling—but she’d pretend, just for tonight, that she didn’t know what they were up to. She knew she should have put an end to the wagering, but everyone was so excited and so happy and all together. The boys had been glum since Neil had left, and they needed something happy to bring them all together. She needed something happy because, as she looked around the room, all she could think of was Neil. He would have found Michael with his pencil and notebook and serious expression amusing and she wished he could see that Charlie had finally stopped sucking his thumb (except at bedtime, of course), and she wanted to show Neil that Billy and Robbie were almost standing beside each other.

The room and the orphanage seemed empty without him. She could wish him back for the next decade, but he’d made his choice. He didn’t want her. He wanted his life of blame, a life where his status as a bastard would mean he never truly fit in. He had fit in at Sunnybrooke. The boys had loved him, and they didn’t care about circumstances of birth or one’s past deeds as a soldier. They’d loved Neil because he’d cared for them, given them his attention, given them his time.

She’d loved him because he’d cared for the boys and because no other man she’d ever known would have done the same. She’d loved him for a thousand different reasons, not the least of which was the way he’d kissed her, the way he’d made her feel.

But in the end, he hadn’t loved her back. Or at least not enough to stay.

She caught Mrs. Dunwitty’s gaze on her from across the room, and Julia gave a watery smile. She blinked her eyes to stem the tears that threatened and focused on Robbie as he placed each rat in his starting box. Each rodent had his own lane, and the race would begin when the block sealing the rat in the box was lifted. At the end of the race were three pieces of cheese—incentives for the rats to run quickly. The first rat to make it to his cheese was the winner. Julia did not wager, but if she had, she would have put her money on Matthew. He was fleet of foot and not quite as rotund as Mark and John.

George, Ralph, and Angus each put a hand on a block, poised to lift it when Robbie said the word. Robbie raised his hand, and the room hushed. “Ready?” Robbie said.

Angus nodded slightly and George and Ralph kept their eyes on their blocks. “Steady,” Robbie cautioned. The room took a collective breath.

“And go!”

The blocks were yanked up and the room erupted in cheers. The three rats looked about in surprise, not a one showing any inclination to run.

“Do be quiet, boys,” Mrs. Dunwitty said. “All this noise will startle them.”

The boys quieted—or at least what was quiet for them—and Julia heard whispers of Should we nudge them? and Come on, Mark!

Then Luke’s nose twitched, and Charlie said, “He smells the cheese!”

He must have because Luke took a few tentative steps forward. The other rats couldn’t see Luke, but their noses seemed to twitch, or perhaps Luke sent them some sort of message only rats could decipher, because Matthew and Mark began to scurry forward.

The closer to the cheese the rats came, the faster their feet carried them until they were running full speed and all the boys were once again yelling. Julia yelled too. She couldn’t help it. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and when Matthew and Luke reached the cheese at the same time, she cheered.

“It’s a tie!” Robbie announced. “We need another race.”

“Let them finish their cheese first,” Charlie said, always concerned for the rats’ welfare.

“We need more cheese,” James said.

“I’ll get it!” Charlie offered. But just as he ran to the door of the parlor, Mrs. Koch stepped inside. Charlie almost ran into her, but she held out a hand and grabbed his shoulder stopping him.

“Let me guess. You vant more cheese?”

“If you have any to spare, Mrs. Koch,” Julia said.

“Cheese for the rats. Vhy not? This is a strange country, yah. Very strange.” She held out a parcel wrapped in paper. “This came few minutes ago. You vere making so much noise, I could hardly hear the rap on the door.”

“What it is?” several of the boys asked.

Mrs. Koch looked at Julia for permission. She gave a slight nod. “I think in this country you call it black pudding. Yah?” She parted the paper to reveal the long black cylinder resembling a large sausage. The boys gasped in shock, as did Julia. She did not care for black pudding, but she knew it would be a treat for the boys who had grown tired of their daily diet of porridge.

Shana Galen's Books