My One and Only (Bewitched and Bewildered #10)(2)

Warrick shook his head. "No, you are not bad, nor are you in trouble." Warrick turned back to look at Micah and Meryn. "What do we do?"

Micah knew what Warrick meant. With DeLaFontaine in the detention cells he wasn't sure anyone was looking out for the young vampire. He wasn't even sure that Pip knew how to fly he was that young.

Meryn stepped forward. "Pip, if you could do anything, what would make you happy?"

Pip's blue eyes grew wide. "Anything?"

Warrick smiled. "Yes, anything."

Pip smiled brightly transforming his entire face into something close to angelic. "I do not want to be mean anymore or do bad things. I want someplace safe to sleep and..." he hesitated.

"And," Warrick prodded gently.

"Food. Food whenever I am hungry," Pip admitted softly.

Meryn pushed Warrick's hands out of the way and wrapped an arm around Pip. "He's mine for as long as he wants me."

Warrick stood. "Now, Meryn."

She turned to face them eyes flashing. "No. I'm not saying it's y'all's fault, but this must have been going on for years." She pinned them both with an angry glare. "You want to help?" She waved around her. "Fix this shit. You're unit warriors designated to protect people, start protecting." She turned to Pip. "Come on little buddy. You're staying with me for a while."

"I am?" Pip asked. "What do I have to do?"

Meryn shrugged. "Keep me company and help me eat Sebastian's food."

Pip subconsciously licked his lips. "Eat?"

Meryn's eyes had a sheen to them. She swallowed hard before smiling at him. "Yup. He's going to love you. He lives to feed people." She tugged on his hand. "Come on."

Pip hesitated turning back to Warrick. "You are really the Founding Family head now?" Meryn waited as Pip asked for clarification.

Warrick nodded. "I am."

"Do I have to see my father anymore?"

"No. Not if you do not want to."

"Do I have to be bad anymore?"


"Am I allowed to use the transport tunnel and go with Meryn?"

"Any citizen in this city is allowed to use the transport tunnel," Warrick answered looking confused.

"Do I have to come back?" Pip asked quietly.

"Nope," Meryn answered. "In fact if you want to swing by your place and pick up your things you won't have to come back ever."

Pip shook his head back and forth. "I am not allowed to own things."

Meryn grinned. "You can now."

Pip straightened. "I want to go with Meryn and eat Sebastian food."

Warrick nodded and smiled. "Have fun."

As they walked away Micah could see that Meryn had a death grip on Pip's hand. Ryuu stepped between him and Warrick. "I am assuming you will do everything in your power to help Pip's situation?"

Warrick sighed. "Of course. Him and everyone else on Level Five."

Ryuu nodded tersely. "You have no idea how much his plight aligns with Meryn's childhood. In her heart she already considers him family and thus I consider him one of my charges." He met their eyes and smiled frostily. "I really do not wish to kill anyone while I am here... but I will if I have to." He bowed to them and quickly caught up to Meryn who was explaining Magic Pudding to a mesmerized Pip.

When they cleared the tunnel Warrick let out an explosive breath. "Gods! If I did not think that taking the Founding Family head position would keep Avery safer, I would happily tell Gavriel I decline the prestigious promotion."

"Better you than me," Micah teased.

Warrick gave him a sour look. "Where do I even begin to sort out this clusterfuck of a level?"

Micah thought about it for a moment. "Why don't you do what Kari did? Meet with the Noble Family heads and have them help trickle down information and policy change."

"Have you forgotten that the uncle who disowned me, is one of the Noble Family heads who now report to me?" he asked.

Micah blinked then laughed. "I had forgotten that."

Warrick rubbed his chin. "LeBeau is not that bad. But I have a feeling that my uncle will try to sabotage me at every turn."

Micah shrugged. "So replace him."

Warrick stared at him in shock. "We cannot do that!"

"Why not? It's how you got promoted."

"The circumstances surrounding my promotion were unique, impossible and extreme."

Micah stepped closer and cast a soundproof bubble. "Look. Meryn is right. There's a ton of shady shit going on around here that's been happening right under our noses and we missed it because we had to kowtow to tradition. Well you know what? Fuck that. We finally have a free pass and his name is freaking Dark Prince Gavriel Ambrosios. The entire city of Noctem Falls genuflects when someone mentions his name and for good reason. If your uncle gives you shit, tell Gavriel and get permission to have him replaced. Gavriel can do no wrong. We have a very small window of opportunity to finally help people. Take it." Micah exhaled.

Warrick simply stared at him. "You are right." He straightened then gave him a wolfish grin. "Let us head to Level One, check on Pip, then possibly meet with Gavriel about reorganizing some of the Noble Families."

Alanea Alder's Books