Loving a Fearless Duchess: A Historical Regency Romance Book(70)

“I’m glad to see you again so soon, Edward. After yesterday, I wasn’t sure when our next meeting would be.”

Edward drank then smiled. “You have your sister to thank for my appearance today; she encouraged me to meet with you again. She has fond memories of your father and was excited by the prospect of us working together.”

“Well, I’ll have to thank Cecilia for bringing you back to me. Now, tell me, what are you thinking?”

Edward adjusted in his chair until he was eye to eye with Avery. “Please forgive me. I must speak frankly. Since we met yesterday, I have thought of nothing else except the line of succession. When I was with you yesterday, I felt like I was getting Henry’s leftovers, and it wasn’t an appealing position to be in. I also felt the estate wasn’t living up to its potential, and I blamed you. If you didn’t care, and Henry didn’t care, what exactly was I inheriting?

“Since talking out loud with Nash, he explained how different every noble runs his assets. He didn’t give away confidential information, but he did mention you had a Midas touch with your investments. Everyone has a different style and a different strength.

“If I were to do this, my style would be different also. I don’t have a Midas touch like you. I have a different idea. I want Edgewood to be actively used, especially the land. The village would be a clean, organized group of people proud to live in its midst.

“The fallow land would be cultivated, and the sheep and livestock would multiply to provide another source of income.

“I would want to see the books for all facets of the business, nothing held back, and I would like to start sooner rather than later. Avery, you have many vibrant years left, but I will not wait on the sidelines until your end.”

Avery grinned. “You have thought this through. Your mind must have been racing all night.”

“It was.”

“I have a proposition for you. Tell me if this comes close to meeting your needs, Edward. I stay in London and continue to invest. As you know, I enjoyed working and socializing with my peers and, in my own way, contribute to our dukedom. Of course, I will explain all votes I make in the House of Lords, and ask your opinion.

“You go to Edgewood and do whatever you want there.”

Edward nodded but hesitated. “I would still need to see the books and know my budget. If I could familiarize myself with the money and accounts and what can be used for Edgewood, I would feel better once I’m there.”

Avery grinned again. “Come every day at ten, and we’ll spend two hours with our heads in the books, then you can ask me questions over lunch. After a week, let’s see where we are, if you are comfortable. Then we’ll put funds in an account in your name with exclusive use for Edgewood. Deal?”

Avery stuck out his hand.

“Deal,” Edward grinned and shook it.

“Nothing has changed for me – I still get to invest. And yet there will be improvements at Edgewood. You don’t need to deal with London, and I don’t need to deal with Edgewood. Perfect.

“Ask your mother, your sister, and your brother-in-law to dine with you and me this evening?

“They will be so pleased with you, and I can thank Cecilia in person for bringing you back to my door.”

Edward turned back. “I will. I’ll send word only if we cannot come.”

Avery continued to grin. “Until then.”


Edward still wasn’t comfortable with Avery’s past handling of Henry and his neglect of Edgewood, but he was beginning to see another side of the man. He did his best with the cards he was dealt.

Edward would have done things differently, as would most gentlemen, but judging him for his actions had to be put aside for the benefit of his village. He would work with Avery as long as he was able to improve the lives of his villagers. And he knew he could do that.

After a few weeks with Avery, consulting with agricultural experts and researching the markets for livestock and raw wool, Edward was ready to spend at least a year at Edgewood without returning to London.

Avery promised to visit and take a look at the changes he made and offer suggestions if needed.

Neither thought there would be any suggestions given.

A disagreement of epic proportions ensued over a visit to Edgewood from Penelope.

“I don’t want you anywhere near him,” Nash said.

“He has two guards with him at all times. Nothing could happen.”

Nash didn’t believe that for one minute. “His tongue will do the damage, not his fists. Really, Penelope, what would you hope to accomplish by visiting with him?

“Do you think he’s going to apologize? Do you think he’s going to tell you bullies made him like that or his mother never loved him?”

“Nash is right,” Edward said. “He isn’t going to give you one scrap of information that will get you to understand why he is how he is. And so what? Knowing if something in his life made him a monster won’t change the fact that he is a monster.

“He will smell what you are after and play with your emotions. None of what he says would likely be true.”

“I understand. But for six years, I wondered why he tried to kill me. I want to know why.”

Edward shook his head. “You’re not going to find out. He won’t tell you. It will be his little satisfaction, the only thing he can hold onto in his current situation.”

Abigail Agar's Books