Looking to Score(68)

“I knew you could do it! And if those two old farts had given you anything less than that, I would have flown down there to kick them in the balls myself!” she said, a little too enthusiastically.

We chatted for a few more minutes before hanging up. I was surprised to see a text from Oakley waiting for me.

Oakley: So proud, Solver. Meet me at the football field after practice. We need to celebrate!

I started primping immediately, and this time, I wanted Oakley to think that I made the extra effort to look good for him. I went a little outside of my comfort zone and put on some bolder eye makeup with red lipstick. I didn’t even need a YouTube goddess this time.

I slipped on a black chiffon tank top and shimmied into some dark skinny jeans. I put on flats since I didn’t know what we were doing. I could still be sexy as hell and wear comfortable shoes. I waited until my alarm went off on my phone, alerting me that practice was done, before making my way to the stadium. I couldn’t wait to celebrate—especially if that celebration involved Oakley and me doing the hibbity-dibbity. I wanted him to fill me out like a job application. Glaze my donut. Lock legs and swap gravy. I was gonna sheath his meat dagger and rock those two-person push-ups.

Okay, I’m done for realsies now.

I ran a hand through my hair and walked down the sidewalk. Oakley Davis was mine.

“Solver,” Oakley greeted with a low whistle before strutting up to me. His hair was wet as if he’d freshly showered. And though he moved like a man that was just forced to do a bazillion push-ups, he looked incredible.

“Coach run you ragged?” I asked with a giggle as he did a slow, sexy sweep with his eyes.

“He rode my ass all practice. But he seemed happy with my skills. He told me to stop wearing makeup and improve my footwork.” I laughed while shifting my weight on my feet. I suddenly felt awkward and unsure of what to say. Luckily, Oakley seemed cool and confident. “I bribed a security guard. We got the stadium to ourselves for a few hours. I also ordered us a pizza.”

The old me would have mentally calculated the grease content and calories, but the new me smiled. “I hope you ordered pepperoni.” One cheat meal couldn’t hurt.

He laid a blanket down on the fifty-yard line, and the lights shut off. Somehow, he’d managed to find a couple of flashlights from security guards and set them up like lanterns around us. I sat cross-legged on the ground, munching happily on pizza as he stared at me. “Amanda Matthews,” he began. Why did he sound so nervous?

“Yes?” I wiped at the corner of my mouth with a napkin before setting my slice of pizza down.

“You’re crazy.”

Not exactly the romantic sentiment I wanted, but okay. “Why?”

“The first time we met, you were going through my phone and kicking my ass. I seriously thought I was going to have to get a restraining order.”

“You probably should have. I broke a few privacy laws,” I replied with a laugh.

“You constantly surprise me. You make me better. I...was a little lost before you. We’ve already kind of established that you’re my girlfriend now. I’m kind of terrified that you’re graduating early, but we can face a long-distance relationship when we get there. I just want to ask you a very important question.” He started digging around the blanket, and my anxiety spiked.

No. No. Certainly he wasn’t going to—

“Why do you look terrified?” he asked, pausing his movements to look at me.

“I like you a lot, Oakley. But if there is a ring somewhere hidden on your person, I will probably freak out and say no and embarrass us both. This isn’t a Hallmark movie.”

He tipped his head back and laughed, holding his stomach, roaring with humor. “I’m not proposing, Solver. I wanted to ask if you’d be my girlfriend. Officially.”

My cheeks flooded with embarrassment, and I watched as he resumed searching for something. Luckily, it wasn’t a velvet box he pulled out, but a single rose.

“Your mom said they were the ultimate expression of...l-love.” He stumbled on that word, and my mouth dropped open. Love? He loved me. Holy cats, he loved me.

“I love you too,” I replied in a whisper. “You crazy pain in the ass.”

He started laughing, and I reached forward to cup his cheeks for a kiss. His soft lips fit perfectly with mine. God, he was a good kisser, his tongue darting skillfully over mine. I loved this man. I really did. This infuriating, kind, hardworking, protective man.

I gently pushed him down onto the blanket so that he was lying on his back. I positioned my body at his side, wrapping one of my legs around his. My clitorasaurus roared to life.

I took the rose and teased it down his neck. “Time to return the favor,” I said in a throaty voice.

Oakley reached up to touch me, but I caught his hand in mine and shook my head. “Can we go somewhere more private?” I didn’t want to risk some pervy groundskeeper recording us. A leaked sex tape would probably be bad for publicity. Oakley smirked. “I know just the place.”

Oakley quickly got up and grabbed my wrist. Abandoning the picnic, we made our way through a tunnel and to an elevator. “Where are we going?” I asked as he pressed the button leading to the top floor.

Instead of answering, Oakley cornered me, pressing me against the wall of the elevator with his hard body. “Oh-oh my,” I rasped when his palm cupped my breast.

CoraLee June & Carri's Books