Lies We Bury(91)
Recognition must also be paid to the talented Jana Foo. Your skill and knowledge of photography were essential to my confidence in this book. Thank you for answering my oddball queries. Any error in this story regarding photography is mine alone.
To Lauren Fisher, my generous sister-in-law and frequenter of breweries. Thank you for brainstorming with me at the beginning of this story.
To Sarah Shekhter, thank you for entertaining my extremely weird questions about the criminal justice system as I strove for plausibility. Any failing there is the result of my own rationale. Likewise, thanks must be paid to Stephanie Kurz for your tireless support.
To my writing friends, Raimey Gallant, Elaine Roth, and Heather Lettieri, I could not get past this first draft without your eyes, helpful texts, and supportive GIFs. Thank you for being the very best in critique partners.
To the Debuts 2020 group: we did it! Heartfelt thanks go to each of you for being the emotional sounding board I needed during our debut year. It’s a joy to be on this ride together and a privilege to read your amazing books.
Friends, both near and far, thank you for reading and promoting my work, but mostly thank you for being incredible people. You’ve each shaped me in your own way and, in that sense, my writing. Enthusiastic gratitude should also go to educators Emily Watson, Maria Russell, Gini Grossenbacher, Maureen Messier, and Craig Howard.
Thanks must be given to my family members, Sue Ma, Greg and Jeannie Cornelius, Erin Cornelius, Ian Cornelius, Liana Marr, Eddie Mejia, and Kevin Campbell for exploring the Portland Shanghai Tunnels with me. You are a fearless bunch! I probably get all my good qualities from your influence and/or our shared genes.
To my parents and in-laws, thank you for your support. In particular, thank you to Gail Campbell for enthusiastically sharing my writing with the entire state of New Mexico.
Publishing a second book is a dream come true and would not be possible without readers. If you’ve stuck with me this far—thank you.
Finally, to Caden. Since this book is dedicated to you, I look forward to your thoughts on its pages a very, very long time in the future. You are an absolute gift and make everything better. I am so lucky to be your mama.
And, of course, to Kevin, without whom I’d get no writing done, who is game for a new adventure every day, and whose editorial eye continues to astound: thank you. You’re my first reader and favorite brainstormer. The depth of your love and support deserves another photo shoot in the Gorge.