Last Dragon Standing (Heartstrikers #5)(54)

Fredrick snatched his sword out from under the older dragon’s foot with a growl. “What?”

David lifted his phone again with a smirk, dragging his fingers through the invisible AR interface before raising the speaker to his ear. “Mother?” he said when the call picked up, his smirk transforming into a full-on grin as he met Fredrick’s eyes. “It’s me. I’ve got them.”

Fredrick didn’t need to hear Bethesda’s cackle on the other end. He was already wincing, sliding his sword back into its loop on his belt as he hoped against hope that he hadn’t just made a terrible mistake.


Julius paced nervously back and forth beside his ruined front porch. A few feet away, Amelia, the Qilin, Svena, Arkniss, the infamous Marlin Drake, and all the other heads of the newly arrived clans stood in a loose circle. In a concession to the now-cramped space, all of the dragons had donned their human forms, which just made it easier to see the angry impatience on their faces as they waited for the one clan that had not yet arrived.

“Where are they?” Julius hissed, pacing faster. “What is Fredrick doing?”

“Relax,” said Bob, who was sitting on the cracked porch step, eating an apple he’d found who knew where. “They’ll be here before you know it.”

Julius looked at him hopefully. “Did you foresee that?”

“No,” Bob said, biting a chunk out of the fruit with his sharp teeth. “I’ve been too busy searching the future for an exit ramp to worry about nonessential details like arrival times. But Fredrick is loyal to you to an unhealthy degree. If he told you he’d bring them, he’ll make it happen. In fact, I bet we’ll hear something…” He paused, mouth moving silently like he was counting in his head. “Now.”

Sure enough, Bob’s brick of a phone began to vibrate in his hands. Grinning, he offered the device to Julius, who snatched it up, slamming the antique to his ear with a rush of relief. “Fredrick!”

“Not quite,” replied a cruel female voice.

As always, the sound made his stomach clench, and Julius closed his eyes with a silent curse. “What are you doing, Mother?”

“That’s my question,” Bethesda replied idly. “Planning a war without telling me, Julius? That’s not very democratic. Aren’t you the one who’s always going on about how we’re an equal council and no one should make decisions on their own?”

“This was an emergency,” Julius said sharply. “And I was trying to bring you in. Fredrick said he would—”

“Fredrick’s done quite enough,” Bethesda snapped. “Fortunately for you, David’s already handled everything. But we’ll discuss your pet F’s almost-treason later. For now, be an obedient child for once and hand me to Amelia.”

Julius almost dropped the phone. “You want to talk to Amelia?” He glanced at his oldest sister, who looked as shocked as he was. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Less talking, more doing,” Bethesda replied, snapping her fingers—or maybe her teeth—into the phone. Unsure what else to do, Julius handed Bob’s phone to Amelia. She snatched it up with a bloodthirsty smile, bearing all her teeth as she said in her sweetest voice, “Hello, Mother, this is your new god speaking.”

Julius wasn’t above blatantly eavesdropping on this conversation, but even his sharp ears couldn’t hear what Bethesda said in reply to that. As best he could tell, she’d ignored it entirely and was now rattling off instructions very quickly. Utterly unacceptable instructions if the look on Amelia’s face was anything to go by.

“Have you gone senile?” Amelia snarled into the phone. “Why, in any world, would I lift a claw to help you?”

“Because it helps you as well,” Bethesda said, her smug voice finally loud enough for Julius to hear. “A mother knows her children, and you’ve always been more greedy than vindictive. Too greedy to throw away your chance for a grand display of power and a fast solution to your problem just to spite me.”

She must have hit the nail on the head, because Amelia swore in several languages before hanging up the phone and tossing it back at Bob, who caught it without looking. Julius was opening his mouth to ask what was going on when his sister suddenly turned to him. “Do you know what a hype man is?”

Julius stared at her in bewilderment. “You mean the guys who whip up crowds at concerts? Yeah, but what does that have to do with—”

“Great,” Amelia said, reaching up to tie back her thick, wavy black hair. “Get in there and start hyping.”

“Hyping what?” he said. “What’s going to—”

“Not going,” she said, pushing curious dragons out of the way as she cleared a large spot on the gravel drive. “Coming, and in hot.” Amelia spread her hands. “You’ll see in a second. Just go tell the other big shots that Heartstriker is here.”

That was going to be a hard sell considering Heartstriker was most definitely not here. But if this whatever-it-was was big enough to convince Amelia to work with Bethesda, it was too big for Julius to fight, so he threw up his hands and did as she asked, jogging over to the circle of fed-up looking clan heads.

“What is taking so long?” Svena snapped when he got close. “What’s the Heartstriker doing? Taking a nap?”

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