Last Dragon Standing (Heartstrikers #5)(46)

She finished with a flourish, cutting off with a jab so sharp, every dragon in the yard coughed out a puff of smoke. Even Svena’s squirming whelps went still, their blue eyes wide as they stared in awe at Amelia, who looked incredibly pleased with herself.

“Little overdramatic, don’t you think?” Svena said, glaring up at the dragon spirit.

“What’s the point of being a god if you can’t be dramatic?” Amelia said, fluffing her flaming feathers. “And you can’t deny the results. My head is already full of voices. They’re falling over themselves to volunteer!”

“You can’t call that ‘volunteering,’” Julius said. “You threatened to take away their fire if they didn’t obey! That’s extortion.”

Amelia laughed out loud. “Sorry, Baby-J! If you want dragons now, this is how we get them. But feel free to apologize for my rudeness when they arrive if it’ll make you feel better.”

“I’m not going to apologize,” Julius grumbled. “I’m just saying you didn’t have to go for the throat right out of the gate.”

“Spoken like a true Nice Dragon,” Svena said, sharing an eye roll with Amelia before turning back to her freezing circle. “Once again, whom am I pulling in first?”

Amelia’s flaming eyes moved rapidly, searching through the empty air as though she were studying something very complicated that no one else could see. “Let’s start with Fading Smoke, the Dragon of Gibraltar. He’s raring to go.”

“You mean old Arkniss?” Svena wrinkled her nose. “You really did get everyone.”

“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Amelia said. “And we’re going to need every dragon we can get.”

As though he’d been waiting for his cue, the Leviathan chose that moment to send a tentacle straight over the hole Bob’s crash had punched in the Skyways. Watching it go past was like having an ocean liner sail over their heads. Even Amelia’s fire dimmed slightly when the shadow crossed her. When it was gone, both dragons turned back to the teleport circle with new urgency.

“Getting Fading Smoke now,” Svena said quietly, her pale face tight in concentration. “Make room.”

Julius didn’t realize that last part was for him until the dragon came flying out of the freezing flames. He was impressively big, a heavyset European dragon with thick armored black-and-green scales, amber eyes, leathery wings, and a mouth full of shining teeth and black smoke. He landed with a crash in the dirt right on top of where Julius and Katya had been standing before they’d managed to jump out of the way, and the moment his claws touched the ground, he started yelling.

“What is the meaning of this?” the old dragon roared. “Planeswalker! How did you…”

His booming voice trailed off as he looked around at the cavern, which was now very crowded. The ruins of Julius’s house were completely overrun with the Golden Emperor’s dragons. The Qilin was still in human form, probably because his giant golden dragon wouldn’t have fit inside the cavern, but it was still unquestionably him. Likewise, Svena’s identity was obvious, and Amelia was a giant dragon made of fire. Even to Julius, who was used to sudden gatherings of powerful dragons, it was an impressive sight. For a newcomer like Fading Smoke, it was enough to render him speechless.

“I see you weren’t exaggerating,” he said, much more calmly this time as his reptilian eyes rolled up to take in the Leviathan filling the sky overhead. “I will tell my sons to follow at once. Who is in charge?”

The Planeswalker pointed a burning claw at Julius. “He is.”

Julius and the giant dragon exchanged a look of mutual disbelief. When they turned back to Amelia, though, she was already calling out their next target to Svena, who yelled at both Fading Smoke and Julius to move. They obeyed at once, pressing themselves into the wall as Svena brought the next dragon through, this one in human form but looking no less upset than Fading Smoke had been. She also started by demanding to know what was the meaning of this and who was in charge, only to fade off when she saw the army of dragons and the monster in the sky. She was still staring at it when Fading Smoke hooked her shoulder and pulled her over.

“They say he’s the leader,” he growled, nodding at Julius when the new dragoness—whose human form was tall, dark skinned, and incredibly striking—smacked his claw away. “But who is he?”

Both dragons looked at Julius then. Fortunately, being stared down at by bigger monsters was something he’d a lot of experience with at this point, and he managed to stare back without flinching. “I’m Julius Heartstriker, and I promise I’ll explain once everyone is here. Meanwhile, please change into your human forms and go wait with the Qilin. We have a lot more dragons coming, and there won’t be room below the barrier if everyone’s their true size.”

He pointed at Ghost’s barrier, which was still protecting them from the thinning—but still present—magic. Fortunately, that plus the Qilin plus the monster overhead was a combination that worked miracles. Despite the painfully obvious fact that Julius was by far the smallest and weakest dragon here, neither of the newcomers questioned his request. They simply nodded and shuffled over to pay their respects to the Golden Emperor, leaving Julius alone beside the portal to greet the next confused, angry dragon who came barreling through Svena’s ring of freezing fire.

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