Knocked up, by her best friend's dad.(15)
The doctor was still smiling; a big Cheshire cat grin. “You were measuring big, but this explains it. With single and double births, I do monthly visits until about eight months, but with triplets, I'll keep a closer eye on you. You said you’ve been sick at night and have lost weight? No more weight loss for you. We will have a higher weight goal for you with triplets. Since you’re almost three months now, I suggest one visit in a month so we can see how you’re progressing. After that, I think we might move you to at least a two and half week visits.” She nodded and looked at her iPad like she was confirming she was right. “Multiple birth are prone to coming early, so we may put you on bed rest at the end so you last as long as possible. We want to get you as close to nine months as we can with multiples.”
I listened intently to Dr. Laurant's instructions, noticing that Hannah was too shocked to focus. When we left, my brain was on overloud.
I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO back to work, but called them telling them I felt sick. They told me not to worry, and take what I needed off. I was still zoned out even half an hour after leaving the doctor’s office. The doctor’s appointment that I’d heard nothing of as soon as she said I was having triplets. My brain seemed to switch off and only have on repeat, triplets. Three babies. Triplets. Three. Over and over. I had no idea how I phoned my work and talked to them I was so out of it. I don’t remember the drive to Adam's house or even getting out of the car and into the house to lay on the sofa.
“Angel, you okay? You haven’t said a word since I told the doctor I was your boyfriend.”
I should have answered Adam and told him it was when she said triplets. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Triplets. How was I going to deal with three babies? I’d only just gotten used to the fact that I have having one. I knew my life would change, and I would have to swap something around with one baby, so I could work and study, but three babies? I didn’t know if I could move things around so easily for three. I couldn’t live with Jamie with three babies, one was going to be crazy and unfair to a young single guy, but three would be just cruel. How would I survive with three? Where would I get the money for three of everything?
Adam’s fingers caressing my cheek brought my attention back to him. “Hannah, I know what we just learned is overwhelming, but I’m here to support you in any way you need me.”
“Three. Triplets,” was all that I could gasp out. I was sure I had a reason to be in my state. I’d had sex once and not only had I became pregnant, but I’d gotten knocked up with multiple babies.
“Yes. We’ve been blessed.”
I bolted to an upright position and growled, “Blessed. Are you joking? Blessed? Sure, triplets are a blessing, but for us, who are already on shaky ground with our relationship and what we both want, you think bringing three babies into it is good? I was stressing about one. Now I have three times the worry.” I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out as I felt myself get more and more worked up.
“I know what I want. Do you?”
My mind pulsed and I could feel a headache coming on. What the hell had I gotten myself into? I thought I knew what I wanted. Now that I had what I thought I wanted, I couldn’t stop questioning it. I worried that Adam was only with me now, and not ignoring me like he had been for months, because of the babies. Argh, that sounded weird to say, babies, more than one. “I’m scared. I’ve wanted you and me for as long as I can remember, but the babies are something I would never have even dreamed of.”
Ha, a baby wasn’t, hadn’t, been on my radar at all. What did I know about raising a child? I’d had shitty examples. Sure, Adam had done this before, but did he even want to do this again, and not just with one, but three? Fucking hell, the one time I had sex, what are the odds, triplets. Surely, I was like a rarity or something. I mean one night really did change my world. Shit! I didn’t want to delve into what this would do to my world. Jamie didn’t even know, and if he didn’t accept this where did that leave me? What would I do? Would he forgive me? What would happen with his dad? Oh God, I didn’t want to come between them. Jamie and Adam had been everything to me for as long as I could remember. What if I ended up losing the both of them? I loved Kate, my best girlfriend, but she was no Jamie, and I sure wasn't in love with her.
He circled my waist, and brought me onto his lap cradling me in his embrace. “I know you’re scared, but you don’t have to be scared about me being there for our children. No matter what happens with us, I will always be there.” His fingers ran soothingly up and down my back. “I want you. I wanted you before you were pregnant. I know I was a jerk and shouldn’t have stayed away, but you’re an adult now, and could have come to talk to me.” I rested my head against his chest enjoying his warmth. “I’m scared too, but not about this pregnancy or you, I’m scared of how people will react to our relationship.” His sigh was long and loud. “You know I've been battling my feelings for you, and if I should do anything about it for quite some time. You were seventeen when I first noticed you, and I felt like a dirty old man. You were too young for me to be honest about how I really felt about you. I know you’re nineteen now, but that’s still so young. People are going to see us together and think I’m your father.”
“Ha,” I choked out on a giggle, and then burst into laughter. Adam didn’t look his age, he barely looked thirty, more like mid to late twenties not thirty-four. Turning, I straddled his lap and curled my lip up into what I hoped looked like a cheeky smirk. “I can tell you now, that isn’t what people will be thinking.” I cocked my head to the side. “I could call you Daddy if you like.”