King's Reign (Sydney Storm MC #6)(2)

There will be a bloodbath here today.

I’d been shutting my shit down for far too fucking long.

Keeping a tight fucking rein on my crazy.

No more.

I would allow every impulse I had to take over and run its course. And when the chips fell wherever they did, I would pick those fuckers up and do it all over again with the next enemy on my motherfucking list.

The sound of gunfire filled the room, mine leading the way. There had to be twenty guys in here, some cutting coke, some counting cash, some watching over the operation. That they only had four guards on the building—the two where we’d entered, and two more at other points—told me whoever Romano had left in charge didn’t know his ass from his elbow. With this kind of shit going on in here, I would have blanketed the building with protection.

We were thirty to their twenty, and we had the element of surprise. But while I didn’t think much of whoever was running this show, I had to give it to them—they were ready enough for an invasion like this. Guns swiftly appeared, and we had to react fast to avoid bullets. That only sparked my mania.

My mind disconnected from everything but the task at hand.




The carnage surrounding me stoked the fire of hate burning deep inside me.

Romano had kept me down for long enough; I was back on my fucking feet now.

Give me all you’ve got, motherfuckers.


My gaze sliced to where Kick pointed, and I roared with rage as I eyed one of our men going down. A moment later, I had my arm hooked around the neck of Romano’s guy who was about to bring his blade down on my man.

Squeezing tight, I snarled, “You ever felt the cut of a knife, cunt?”

He thrashed against my body trying to break free of my hold. “Fuck you, asshole!”

I jerked him against me again, making sure I choked some of the life from him. “It hurts for sure, but I’m not here just to deliver some fucking hurt. I’m going to sink that blade into your body and twist and dig the fuck out of your insides until your screams are burned into my brain. And until you’re eyeballs roll back and you’re dreaming of hell because even it’d be better than meeting me.”

“Do your fucking best,” he managed to get out as I shoved him to the ground.

Dropping my gun, I ripped the knife from his hand as our eyes locked. I bent over him and sliced his shirt down the middle. I needed to see the blood drain from his body. Needed that seared into my brain. Romano wasn’t here, but I would take what I required from this motherfucker. And what I fucking required was to channel every ounce of my fury and pain into making someone else hurt like I did.

I plunged the blade into his chest. The kind of rush a junkie would do anything for surged through me. But it wasn’t enough.

The second thrust of the blade sparked a disconnect between my mind and my humanity.

I detached myself from everything with the third.

Almost there.

I floated outside of myself as I stabbed him the fourth time.

Now I was chasing pure darkness.

Succumbing to the needs I’d forced to the far edges of my soul.

Running like a madman towards the evil that infected the parts of me I could never eradicate.

His blood was my blood.

I fucking bled the same pain he did.

His cries were my cries.

And finally, when he took his last breath, he was as dead as I was.

My frenzy finished when blood and guts lay sprawled out before me, a feast for my black heart.

I stood and dropped the knife on his dead body. Blood covered every inch of my skin. I barely noticed it, though. The high buzzing my veins stole my attention. Every single last speck of it.

I was just getting started.

Tonight we would blaze chaos through this city.

Anarchy was the only answer to Romano’s deeds.

Hyde stepped in front of me and snatched up the knife. “It’s done, brother.”

My eyes cut to his briefly before glancing around at the slaughter. Death surrounded us. It filled my senses in exactly the way I needed it to. But my wrath still raged, and I knew it wouldn’t be sated until I had Romano’s blood on my hands.

I looked at Hyde. “Everyone?”

He nodded.

I picked up my gun. “Light the fucking match.”

Sweeping my gaze over the room one last time, I stalked out, my mind already shifting to the next stop on tonight’s death train. My men followed, Hyde and Devil torching the joint, leaving Romano’s empire in a state of destruction. Next stop, his allies. If they didn’t agree to our terms for how we would conduct business going forward, they would suffer my wrath, too.



The headache I’d had for days sank its claws deeper into me. Nothing I took came close to easing it. Not even the shit Lily had given me.


I exited the clubhouse bar and headed to my office. Shutting myself in, door closed, I dumped my phone on the desk, switched the lamp on, and reached for the bottle of whisky that had become my saviour. I guzzled a mouthful, hardly noticing the burn as it slid down my throat.

Sitting, I rested my head back against the top of the chair and took another swig of whisky. I couldn’t get this shit into me fast enough. My only goal tonight was to knock myself the fuck out and silence the thoughts and feelings slowly killing me.

Nina Levine's Books