Judge (Breeding #5)(18)

Harry reaches for me, and I dodge him. I know it will only make this worse, but I try anyway. He lets out a small chuckle, enjoying my attempt at keeping him away from me. He’s a predator toying with its prey.

“I bet your father was never around either. Working all the time. Yeah, he was working, but he worked those long hours so he too wouldn't try sneaking into your room at night. I fought that temptation for over a year. I have no idea how he did it all that time.”

I stand there shocked, trying to process what he said. I must have heard him wrong. I start shaking my head no, but he keeps on smiling like he hit the nail on the head. I go to tell him he’s wrong, but the sound of the giant metal door being pushed open has us both turning. Before I know what’s happening, Smith has Harry pinned to the concrete floor and is punching him over and over again. The sound of cracking bone rings in my ears. I glance over to see men pour through the metal doors all in SWAT gear. It takes four of them to pull Smith off of Harry. I stand there, my hands over my mouth.

Smith fights the men and attempts to get at him. Harry rolls over, blood covering his face and making a whimpering sound. Sasha runs towards him, but another SWAT officer grabs her and stops her in her tracks. She fights him for a moment, then her whole body goes lax when she knows she’s not breaking his hold. She gives up as silent sobs take over her body.

“Judge, get your girl,” I hear one of the men say. His words make Smith stop trying to get to Harry. His eyes lock on me and as fast as he was on Harry, he’s even faster on me. The shaking that had taken over my body stops instantly when he wraps me in his arms.

“Never letting you out of my fucking sight again,” he vows into my hair. I bury my face in his neck, breathing him in. I never want to be out of his sight again either. I was so scared I’d never see him again.

“Look at me, kitten,” he demands. “I need to see you.” He holds me even tighter. I lean back and look into his eyes.

“I love you,” he tells me. “I was so fucking scared I’d never get to say that to—”

I cut him off, kissing him. I don’t care about what’s going on around us. Everything I care about is right here. He is all that matters anymore, and I know he’ll keep me safe.

When I hear someone clear their throat, Smith growls against my mouth before releasing it. “Say it back, kitten,” he demands, making smile way too big for what’s happening around us right now.

“I love you, too.” I give him the words he demanded. Not because he told me to, but because I do love him just as much as I love his demanding ways.

“Sir. Judge,” the man quickly corrects. “The two dirty cops.” The man’s jaw clenches when he says it, clearly pissed. “They gotta go to the hospital. Then they’ll be booked.” Smith nods at the man.

“I’m sure you’ll handle it,” he tells him.

“Yeah. I will. Personally. We’re going to make an example of them.” I give the man a soft smile, knowing it must be hard to see one of your own go bad.

“I’m sure the beatdown I gave them is only the beginning of what those two have coming.” I look back to Smith.

“How many men have you beaten today?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Every motherfucker who stopped me from getting to you.” I kiss him again, loving his sweet, raw words. They are like him. He carries me out of the warehouse and doesn’t stop even when a few people call his name.

“How did you find me?” I ask when he places me in his car, which is parked as close as he could get to the warehouse.

“You’ve still got the ankle bracelet on you.” He winks at me before buckling my seatbelt and shutting the door. How had I forgotten about it?

“You’re never going to let me take that thing off now, are you?” I laugh as he slides into the driver seat.

He shrugs as he pulls away. “I don’t plan on ever letting you out of my sight again, so you might not need it.” I wait for him to shoot me a teasing smile or chuckle, but he doesn’t. I’m not sure if he’s joking, but either way I don’t care. The idea of not being close to him after everything that’s happened is scary. I let it go for now.

“Do we have to go to the police station now?” I’m not ready to. I want to be alone with him as soon as possible.

“I think you know where we’re going.”

My whole body tingles with excitement. How can this be the most terrifying and best day of my life all in one? I went from having nothing and being on the run to having everything and never wanting to leave this place.

“I do.” I lean back in my seat. “I’m ready for you to make me yours.”

Smith presses harder on the accelerator as he glances over at me. “You’ve always been mine.”

Chapter Ten


“Spread your legs,” I demand as I maneuver between cars on the highway. I’m on edge. I should be softer, sweeter right now, but I need us connected in the most basic way. To remind me that she belongs to me and no one can take her from me ever again. When I’m done there will be no having to tell anyone she’s mine. It will be all over her.

When she hesitates, I reach over and grab the edge of her skirt and shove it up. “Move your panties over and let me look at it.” She licks her plump lips, her eyes flashing with need that matches my own and reminding me that she likes it when I’m this way with her. It’s probably how she kept that cherry so long from those high school boys. They didn’t know how to handle her. I do, and I’ll be the only one to ever have that pleasure.

Alexa Riley's Books