Immortal Reign(72)

“Where . . . is she?” he managed. “Where is Cleo?”

In unison, they both cooed with happiness. “We were hoping you two would find happiness together,” the first girl said. “I mean, you are so perfect for each other.”

“I didn’t like her at first,” her friend responded. “But she’s really grown on me.”

The first girl nodded. “You’re so dark and broody, your highness. And she’s, like, a ray of sunshine. So perfect.”

“So perfect,” her friend agreed.

“I need to go.” Magnus tried to push himself up to his feet, and the girls knelt to help him. He let them, since he still felt incredibly unsteady, then he staggered off in the direction of the palace.

“Farewell, my prince!” the girls called out behind him.

Magnus’s mind was racing when he got back to the palace. Ashur, his arms laden down with books from the library, was the first person who crossed his path.

“Magnus . . .” Ashur began, his eyes wide with concern.

“He has her,” he managed.


“Kyan.” Magnus gripped Ashur by his shoulders. “The Kindred—the air Kindred—it’s taken control of Taran’s body completely. He and Kurtis Cirillo took Cleo.”

Ashur dropped the books, and they scattered across the floor with a thud. “Taran was resting in his chambers. I left him only a short time ago.”

“Trust me, he’s not there anymore.”

Magnus wished very much he hadn’t sent Valia away. He needed all the help he could get, but there was no time to find her again. “I need to get to the Temple of Cleiona,” he said.

“Is that where the princess has been taken?” Ashur asked.

Magnus nodded. “They have a substantial lead, so I need to go immediately.”

Ashur nodded. “I’m going with you.”




The first thing Cleo saw when she opened her eyes was a white marble pillar.

She foggily registered it as familiar, similar to the pillars in the palace throne room. But this was larger and even more ornate, its surface carved with the images of roses.

She’d seen something exactly like it at the Temple of Cleiona.

Cleo took a sharp breath in.

This is the temple, she thought.

She stared around at the massive hall. It was three times the size of the palace throne room with a high arching ceiling. The last time she’d been here, when she had joined Lucia, Alexius, and Magnus to retrieve the newly awakened earth Kindred, it had been abandoned and in ruins after the elemental earthquake during her wedding. The floor split with wide cracks that descended into darkness. The high roof shattered and broke away, sending chunks of stone crashing to the ground.

But it wasn’t crumbling anymore. Miraculously, it had been restored to its former glory.

“Did you sleep well, little queen?”

Cleo’s stomach flipped at the sound of the familiar voice. She pushed up from the cold stone floor so quickly that a wave of dizziness crashed over her.


Nic was there, standing in front of her, smiling his crooked grin, his carrot-red hair as messy as always.

Cleo’s first instinct was to rush into his arms.

Her second was to clench her fists and attack.

This wasn’t Nic. Not her Nic. Not anymore.

Frost began to snake from beneath Cleo’s thin leather slippers, coating the floor of the temple.

“Excellent.” Kyan glanced down at this, arching a red eyebrow. “I like to see that. It means we’re very close now, the magic within you so near the surface.”

“You bastard,” she spat.

He casually moved to his left and took a seat on one of the long wooden benches that lined the temple, the same benches that had seated the hundreds of guests at Cleo’s wedding.

“Wrong,” he said. “I have neither a mother nor a father, so that label cannot possibly apply to me. Unless you simply meant it as an insult thrown at one you despise.” He cocked his head, his expression thoughtful. “How sad that mortals would choose this particular word as a curse. It’s not as if actual bastards have any say in their parents’ decisions, is it?”

She clenched her fists at her sides, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a reply.

“I forgive you, by the way,” Kyan said.

“Forgive me?” She gaped at him. “For what?”

“For trying to put a knife through this chest only moments after I first acquired it.” He pressed a hand to his heart. “I know you were confused. It was a difficult night for us all.”

The dizziness hadn’t left her yet, and it took all her strength just to remain standing.

Olivia then entered the temple, walking down the aisle until she stood at Kyan’s side. Her face was as beautiful as any Watcher Cleo could have imagined, her dark flawless skin a beautiful contrast against her saffron gown. Beautiful, yes, but Cleo knew she never would have guessed Olivia’s secret had Jonas not told her directly.

But now she wasn’t a Watcher. She was the earth Kindred.

“Greetings, Cleiona,” she said.

Morgan Rhodes's Books