Immortal Reign(113)

“Not for another week.” He raised his eyebrows. “Don’t try to get rid of me yet, Cleo.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Cleo cast a look at Jonas. “So you are yet another protestor?”

“It just seems . . .” Jonas spread his hands. “Problematic. At best. Then again, I’m not in favor of any ruler at all, let alone two who’ve chosen to equally share the throne.”

Nic let out a grunt of frustration. “Co-reigning with . . . him. Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in for? Have you even looked at the history texts? It’s never been done successfully before. Too much arguing, fighting . . . war, even! Death and mayhem and blood and pain are a given! And that’s best-case scenario!”

“And that,” Cleo said patiently, “is why we’re going to take it a day at a time. And also why we have enlisted a very trustworthy council that won’t be afraid to intervene, if necessary.”

So far this council included Jonas as the Paelsian representative, Nic representing Auranos, and Lucia representing Limeros. The council would grow in time, but Cleo thought they were off to an excellent start.

On their walk, they passed Olivia and Felix, who’d both come to live at the Limerian palace.

Felix stayed at Magnus’s request as a personal bodyguard for him and Cleo—and for any other “problems” they might need him to deal with on their behalf. Felix had enthusiastically agreed. Of course, Cleo truly wished such problems would be few and far between going forward.

As for Olivia, Lucia had broken the news to her of what had happened in the Sanctuary. That Timotheus was dead, the Sanctuary destroyed. That all others of her kind no longer possessed the memories of their formerly immortal selves.

After the initial shock and deep mourning over such an acute loss, Olivia consoled herself with the idea that she would be the one to keep the memory and history of the Watchers alive.

Taran had already departed Mytican shores, telling Cleo and Magnus that he wanted to rejoin the fight in Kraeshia. The revolution there had only just begun, and he knew he could help to overthrow an already shaky temporary government.

And then there was Enzo.

Looking handsome in his red guard’s uniform, he nodded at Cleo as she passed him along the hallway. The fire mark on his chest had vanished immediately after the Kindred were banished from this plane of existence. He had joined them on their journey to Limeros for their coronation, but insisted on returning to Auranos immediately after to help in the reconstruction of the Auranian palace.

Cleo had a feeling it had a great deal to do with his desire to return to a pretty kitchen maid there at the palace who thought Enzo was the most wonderful man she’d ever met.

“Are they trying to talk you out of this?” Magnus greeted Cleo as the trio turned the next corner. “What an incredible shock.”

She started. “You surprised me.”

“You still need to get used to the twists and turns of this palace,” he said. “Remember, you agreed to live here half of the year.”

“That’s one of the reasons this dress is lined in fur.”

Magnus’s appreciative gaze slid down the front of her and back up, meeting her own and holding. “Purple.”

“It’s violet, actually.”

He raised a brow. “That’s a Kraeshian color.”

“It’s a common color that is, yes, used by Kraeshians.”

“It reminds me of Amara.”

Ah, yes. Amara. Cleo had received a personal message from the former empress from an undisclosed location congratulating Cleo and Magnus on their victory against Kyan. Amara also conveyed that she hoped one day to see them again.

Nerissa claimed that Amara had value and deserved a second chance. She’d even chosen to accompany Amara to parts unknown.

Cleo had decided not to harbor any ill feelings toward Amara, but she didn’t have any interest in ever seeing her again.

But it was impossible to know what the future held.

She looked up at Magnus. “This shade of violet, Lorenzo tells me, is the perfect blend of Auranian blue and Limerian red.”

A smile touched his lips. “As clever as you are beautiful.”

Nic groaned. “Perhaps I’ll leave now—why wait a week?”

“If you insist,” Magnus said. “I certainly won’t try to stop you.” His gaze moved to Jonas. “My sister is looking for you.”

“Is she?” Jonas asked.

Magnus’s lips twisted with disapproval. “She is.”

Jonas grinned mischievously. “Well, then, I’ll have to see what she wants, won’t I?” He leaned toward Cleo and kissed her cheek. “By the way, that shade of violet is my favorite. And you look gorgeous, as usual.”

Cleo couldn’t help but notice that Magnus’s eyebrows furrowed immediately whenever Jonas complimented her.

Perhaps they always would.

“And you . . .” Magnus eyed Nic.

“What about me?” Nic shot back.

A smile turned up the corner of his mouth. “I might surprise you yet.”

“Oh, you do surprise me,” Nic replied. “Constantly. Be good to her or you’ll have me to answer to, your majesty.”

“Noted,” Magnus replied.

Then Nic and Jonas left them to take the remaining walk to the balcony in privacy.

Morgan Rhodes's Books